Trust me, folks. If you don't like platform heels and sequinned jumpsuits, if you don't like flashing neon lights and disco music, if you don't like cheesy lines and Abba ( and God, are you even gay? ), the very least you can do is love the hunky sweaty men dancing up a storm on the stage of the musical Mamma Mia! In their skimpy trunks, no less.

What? You want me nekkid again?!
Short of a visit to a decadent downtown gay rave, I doubt you'd find that many half-dressed men shaking their delicious bon bons to thumpa thumpa music.
Then again you'd be hard-pressed to find a more gay-friendly musical than Mamma Mia! What with one of the secondary characters turning out to be a raging homo! Mamma Mia! tells of a young bride-to-be who invites three of her mother’s old boyfriends to the wedding in the hope of finding her real father. All to the frantic disco beat of Abba.
Just amazed that it actually made it here to our overly prudish shores, dancing queens, single mothers and all! No doubt the zealous censors were drugged by the surprisingly addictive Abba music. What could I do but lend my support! Along with Charming Calvin and my mom who came along for the frenetic ride.
Eventhough the said ride was in our sadly minuscule Istana Budaya. Don't even think the Phantom's choir organ could fit into that tiny closet space!
Mamma Mia! managed it though. The musical was a blast despite the small space - and the shockingly restrained audience. Even with the frequent exhortations by the bubbly cast in the papers to stand up and dance in the aisles to the infectious tunes, the conservative Malaysian patrons stayed firmly in their seats till the very end ( or at least till Waterloo ). Not that we cared particularly much for the staid bunch since we sang our hearts out - or at least discreetly under our breath - much to the consternation of the uppity gals in the front row. Obviously audience participation wasn't high on their list of things-to-do in musicals.
Usually spontaneous displays of raucuous singing would be reason enough to be clapped up in gaol but surely when the players in a musical are pleading for a sing-along, we could at least tap our feet to the beat. Maybe it's time to have controlled substances pumped into the air to release their inhibitions.
Then perhaps the audience could learn to voulez vous as well.
But just to whet your appetite...
Just imagine his character Sky - the gorgeous groom - strips to his undies on stage. Honey honey how he thrills me. I almost drooled on sight. Now, wouldn't you want to lay all your love on him?