For me, that has to be one of the essential cornerstones of any relationship. Without that crucial building block, I doubt any relationship is going to stand the test of time, probably crumbling to pieces at the slightest onslaught of suspicion. As Cupid proved to Psyche, love can't remain without trust.
So when I read an article about honey trapping becoming popular down under, I find myself seeing red. Seems like honey trapping is fast growing into a trend in Singapore ( after being exported from abroad ) with suspicious spouses hiring comely bait to test their partners' fidelity.
Paranoia much?

Trap? What trap? I'm just feeling a bit hot, that's all.
Laying bait for adultery? Deliberately setting up mantraps for their husbands - or vice versa? What kinda rubbish is that? That's almost as imbecilic an idea as thinking that the husband would stray if a nubile foreign maid was around to titillate! Would that mean the roving sex-crazed husband would stray towards a wandering goat as well if it was available?
Talk about an insult to the spouse in question.
I have a simple adage for all my relationships. If you don't trust me, go take a fucking hike. I don't need folks who'd expect me to cheat the very first chance I get.
If I ever received such an offer ( and found out about the ensuing entrapment ), not only would I bed the attractive mantrap - again, again and again in dozens of untenable kama sutra positions - I'd probably mail a high-definition video of the kinky menage to my faithless spouse. Probably even place it on youtube for good measure.
What the hell. I'd go down on the mantrap right in front of him just to make sure.
Of course it'd be easy enough for me to cull out the delicious mantraps! Since I hardly ever receive scintillating propositions at all, any such unprecedented come-ons would be faintly suspect.
Hunk : Hey, you look cute. Could I buy you a drink?
Paul : Really? You're a gorgeous young guy with six pack abs and you're buying me a drink?
Hunk : Yeah, you look like an interesting fella.
Paul : And were you desperately drawn by my troll-like looks and homely demeanour?
Hunk : No?
Paul : Or maybe distracted by the intelligence and sense of humour that you could sense spilling out of my plain eyes even through my thick lenses?
Hunk : Uhh.. yes?
Paul : Come on, spill. Tell me who sent ya?
Hunk : What do you mean? I'm just a simple guy buying you a drink.
Paul : Bloody lies. But it's alright. Let's fuck.
Hunk : What?!
Yes. Scorpios are freakin suspicious folk ( and we have severe trust issues ).