Charming Calvin tolerates my insanity, my arrogance and my eccentricities while I do the same. But that doesn't mean we don't have the occasional fight. Unlike certain lovey-dovey saccharine-sweet couples who coo and cuddle at every turn ( you know who you are, don't hide yourselves! :) ), Calvin and I do have what I term ... our weekly disagreement. Which I'm secretly glad for since living with a spineless yes-sir creature with no opinion of his own would drive me crazy insane.
Sometimes though I do tend to voice my opinion a little louder than usual. I place the blame squarely on my ISO's shoulders. You see, my ISO and I had a totally different relationship dynamic. The fights I have with Calvin could be considered insignificant border skirmishes compared to the devastating nuclear assaults my ISO and I launched at each other. And that doesn't even factor in biological warfare and political assasinations yet. Think a metaphorical version of 300 with the guts spilling and the heads rolling with my ISO as the sculpted, square-jawed Spartan and me in the role of the hideous, misshapen enemy with bow and arrow.
Hell, I might be puny but I still won the battle. But we had our daily monumental brawls and fractious catfights with no quarter given. My ISO is an alpha male after all and I'm... whatever, I just hate to lose. Especially to him.
I laugh at defeat.

This means war!!
Guess we knew after all that no matter how far we might go, we still had an unbreakable bond... of friendship, if nothing else. Hard to dismiss someone I've shared nasi lemak with during primary school recess.
This time around however, things are a little different with Calvin and I sometimes forget. You see, my Calvin here is a more sensitive beta fellow. Each time I even throw him my evil eye, he flinches and I feel bad. Try to tone it down these days but sometimes on the rare rainy days Saint Wicked inevitably seeps through. It's hard keeping evil down after all.
But don't raise your arms to defend the fella yet. Monstrous though I can be, that still doesn't stop Calvin from going all crazed bitch with me sometimes - since he knows a tough guy like me can take the punch.
Compromise. We're learning. :)