Could all be stupid prejudice on my side of course but the first thing I noted about the both of them? Not myrrh and frankincense from miles afar, that's for sure.
Religious robes and agama schools. Turbans and islamic mantras. Perhaps I am exaggerating - though only a little - but I'm already freaked by the pious duo. Took only one frightfully enlightening conversation to have me wigging out.
Zannah : The children are going to the religious school.
Paul : There is one here? Is it a good school?
Zannah : It's a religious school.
Paul : Good school then?
Zannah : It's a religious school.
Paul : Good teachers?
Zannah : It's a religious school.
And obviously that is that.

Praise the Gods.
Would have thought of mentioning the dubious prospects of students from religious schools ( where do they go actually? ) but I figured it was a moot point. So what if the school's possibly indoctrinating the next Osama? No doubt the mere whiff of pork from the nearby native eateries would have them run screaming into the night.
Something that the pious duo seriously mentioned to me as they'd spent a week searching for suitably halal restaurants in town. Good luck to them since I think there are only three establishments serving kosher food in town.
Even Ebullient Eve is just a lil perturbed by their holy presence.
Wildly prejudiced I know! They could be perfectly rational folks. But what is it about religious fundamentalists that - ironically enough - strike the fear of God in me? Extremism scares me. Has anything good ever come of it? If you're thinking I'm biased, even Christian fundamentalists waving bibles and burning crosses freak me out. Same goes for the Buddhists, animists and etcetera.
Nothing like a pinch of the devout to make me realize how secular I really have become. Till now I still think school uniforms should be uniformly secular regardless of religion. Without exception. If not, they should just allow everyone to wear what they like. Can my child claim to be in a self-proclaimed nudist religion? Or how about dressing in Goth-like black?