Thursday, November 26, 2009

Bridge of Silence and Sighs

Certainly no need to travel all the way to Venice to admire the infamous Bridge of Sighs. After all I have my very own Dirge of Sighs over here - chanted by our chief mourner Nervous Nancy. Out of all my junior colleagues, she seems to be the most problematic at the moment - hence her recurring status on my blog.

So how does she sigh? Let me count the ways.

Nancy : I have this case. Sigh.
Paul : Yes?
Nancy : This patient just got admitted to the Emergency Dept with a complaint of... ( insert some horrible untreatable malady here )... Sigh.
Paul : So what are your plans?
Nancy : ...
Paul : Hello?
Nancy : Sigh.
Paul : Hello? What are your plans?
Nancy : ... I might do... umm... Sigh.

If only I had a penny for every sigh. Seriously. How do I solve a problem like Nancy? A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp!

Though certainly much too serious to be a clown.

Paul : So how do we solve a problem like Nancy?
Eve : I'd like to say a word in her behalf, Maria makes me laugh.
Paul : Many a thing you know you'd like to tell her.
Many a thing she ought to understand. But how do you make her stay and listen to all you say.

Wonder if Nancy even notices that she sighs at oddly inopportune moments. Almost reminiscent of Tourette's. Even caught her doing so during a hospital presentation making her sound like a sadly melancholic speaker lamenting the loss of her slides. Had the counsellor asking me whether she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Frankly I have no idea. With all the moaning and sighing, all I hear from her are hmms, hehs and sighs. Nancy claims to be trouble-free though I seriously doubt it.

At least I do know who I'll be sending on a stress management course :)


William said...

Imagine sighing in front of patients

Anonymous said...

tats too much, hope it doesnt affect ur mood :P

Janvier said...

Many a problem you know you like to tell her? Many a thing she ought to understand?

Bradley Hyunckel said...

could it be work or personal problem???nancy can sigh infront docs but to the patients,a big no-no

but i aint nurse nor doc,so i'll SIGH!!!

Unknown said...

You SURE she is SIGHING???? maybe she has some kind of syndrome????
I really do not know how you tolerate that... so annoying and depressing. Kind of BAD LUCK right?? Honestly, it must be SO IRRITATING!!! Poor YOU!

Kayess said...

i recommend slappin that bitch or at least to go feisty gay on her ass (think chris crocker) lol ;D

Kenny Mah said...

The super sighing machine! :P

Anonymous said...

Hey, I've been rewatching The Sound of Music lately. A masterpiece!
