Monday, November 16, 2009

That Dirty Lil Scorpio

Seems even the fates are conspiring against us. Feel terribly victimized with our already tattered reputations slandered and besmirched by those who don't know better.

Seriously. We might sue.

Bad enough that the horoscopes tend to place us at the murkiest of ends. If you're disbelieving of the entirely perverse nature of those born in the month of November ( and the few of us in October ), look no further than my workplace.

By a new initiative recently engineered by the bureaucrats up above, the nurses have been placed into different teams in charge of certain sections of the hospital ward. Then cleverly tagged with the names of horoscope signs to promote harmonious teamwork. Aries got the waiting room. Sagittarius got the changing room. Even Taurus got the pantry.

Somehow by the luck of draw, the Scorpios got the Dirty Utilities Room.

Oh, is that the Dirty Utilities Room!

Really. Somehow it just makes sense. Dark, dank and secluded backroom of the hospital where obviously everything dirty gets tossed. Or was it cleaned? Rumoured to be used for the occasional illicit make-out session.

At least from what I heard.


Anonymous said...

hahaaa... didn know scorpions like darkroom... oppsss i mean back room, so pls keep us posted on ur new discovery/adventures in the darknbackroom :P

William said...

Revive those rumours!

Mr.D said...

juz don't let 'em catch you with your pants down~ :P

Bradley Hyunckel said...

oh the little dark room...seem that you have found a spot for ya dirty little secret...naughty doctor

blue said...

maybe there is some cuties there, who knows...:P

Janvier said...

Found any old instruments you've used before? :P

MrBunnyBan said...

dark skanky rooms. So scorpio!

savante said...

No adventures. Just wondering how the Scorpios got that dark room, happy!

Glad too, william. Who with?

Will be careful, darren :P

No one to be naughty with here, bradley.

Gotta look pretty hard, bluesoul!

Not here, janvier :P

Totally agree, ban. Kinda funny as well.