Headed straight for kolok mee. Seriously. After being subjected to endless encomiums in praise for the humble noodle, I knew I had to try it. So have I been converted into a devoted sycophant? Doubt it. I much prefer the thick, tangy kueh chap easily found around the coffeeshops in town.
Then it was off to meet the 'in-laws' so to speak. Does Madame Borgia know? Does Papa Borgia know?
Frankly I have no idea. After the traumatic coming out a few years ago, his disapproving parents already know about Charming Calvin and his deviant sexual predilections. If they know about me, they're definitely keeping it close to their chests. Certainly no homophobic parang throwings as I'd half expected.
Learned quite a lot about our lazy, placid fellow when I visited his rustic farmhouse. Hard to be rabidly hyperactive when you're slowly whiling away the hours in a pastoral Arcadia where time moves at a snail's pace. If it even moves that fast. Listen close enough and you can practically hear the grass grow.

Didn't see anyone like this though? Where are the hot white boys?
Slow drives around the town gave me an opportunity to people-watch. With the locals here mixing in a spicy, diverse melange, it's not as easy to distinguish the different races here. Say farewell to racial profiling! Wonderful for a Malaysia concept that's for sure.
Oddly enough the ethnic Chinese folks here have a darker cast to their skin. Whether a mixed heritage, a serious lack of serviceable sun block or a peculiar fetish for tanning booths, I have no idea. Perhaps the sunburnt scions of the hardworking farming community around the outskirts of town?
Not sure how Charming Calvin manages to remain lily-white.
But the folks here are spectacularly wealthy. Nabobs the lot of them. From the shockingly pretentious pseudo-French-inspired chateaus to the more modest homestays, fair-sized bungalows dot the hills and vales of the city. Land, they have aplenty. No doubt only those in desperately straitened circumstances live in cramped terraced apartments.
Small wonder everyone automatically assumes that the clannish Fuzhous from here are rich as nabobs. Starting to believe that myself :)