Just like the eponymous Mr Men and Little Miss. :)
Despite the fact that we'd probably have to pore through an entire dictionary just to find that elusive word - since we're not all one-dimensional cartoon characters. Just that one word. Thought of it? Fortunately I already had a word even back in school coined by one of my closest pals - and that word was exuberance. Don't fall over on your seats, folks. Decrepitude and cynicism might have dimmed the shine a little but you can still see a glimmer if you look hard enough.

Does he really love me as I am?
Just like the word placid describes Charming Calvin to a T. And guileless would briefly sum up Lanky Lex.
So what if that particular shining trait is the one your loved one dislikes? Isn't that an ouch at the very least? The one thing everyone else loves about you - turning out to be the one thing he dislikes the most?
Kinda like hating Zany Zinedine for being fashion-forward. Or disliking Statuesque Sarah for being honest to a fault. It's just so much a part of who they are. Can you actually love someone while hating their defining quality?
Just doesn't work for me. It's like hating Mr Happy because he's happy. Or dumping Mr Messy for being messy. Isn't it kinda futile?
Stubborn Exuberance? I just scolded Lifebook for this. LOL
we may be fake sometimes...but we don't wear fakes neither do we fake our orgasm~
how's that? ;P
Scolded Lifebook for this? But why? Do tell, twilighT!
But your loved one still loves you regardless, B :)
don't get horny at mr horny.. ;P
hi bro, lost my phone again.. this time to a robber. Please msg me again. Keep in touch!
As a college student I dated a man I called Harold Hard. We lasted but a few months before our Bitter Bed Breakup.
well put. I'm with u on this. what is there to love if you don't love the person's best traits?
Believe it or not, Ban!
Precisely, Nicholas!
OMG. Will do so, lim.
Bitter Bad Breakup! Love that, Zach!
I know, perky. So I'm not sure what the problem is with my friend ( and the boyfriend ).
It's so obvious, to me at least. I know such things cannot be taken for granted.
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