Saturday, June 20, 2009

Geek Moment

The things you learn about your friends over dinner.

Seriously. I was appalled.

Remember when I wondered how it would be like if we were all back in high school together? Definitely a stretch of the imagination since our ages range from early 20s to the mid 30s. A couple would only be in their primary blues while I'm close to finishing my form six!

Sure, we're friends now - despite our fundamental differences - but thrust us back to school before we've learnt to tolerate such idiosyncrasies and I'm pretty sure we'll come to blows sometime :) Especially since we come from such varied school cliques.

What you did over there? Not cool, man!

For instance, my dear friend Lanky Lex. A sweet, unassuming fella from the stepford suburbs with a penchant for science and mathematics. Back then, he'd probably have driven me batty with his blasphemous anti-religious dogma :P

But in a freak geek moment during dinner - when Lanky Lex claimed that he'd adored mathematics, craved extra tuition and even did recreational sums during his spare time, I stared. Waitaminute. Flashback. Didn't I throw a chalk at this fellow once in class?

Before I tied his shoelaces to the chair?

Teacher : I think we're done for today.
Paul : Finally. Yawn.
Lex : But teacher, I'm done with my work. Can I have some more? More homework, teacher please.
Paul : Why you lil MUTHAFUCKA!

Whereupon I'd probably launch my additional math textbook at his innocent head the second the teacher's back is turned.

Seriously. More math sums?


V said...

OMG! we hate maths~

unless the teacher is a david beckham look-alike! ;P

Anonymous said... i hated maths. Plus, the teachers were never a David Beackham look-alike...sigh! They are always balding and specky with their shirts tucked in a very odd and funny way. Those trousers, shoes, and miss matched tie...don't even get me started!

Bradley Hyunckel said...

i hate add math,i'll doze off,always failed but SPM i passed...

if david were the math teacher,he probably askin:what the diameter of a football,and so-on math on football!football math anyone?

*yawn,doze off,david naked in dream*

NotHamsap said...

I used to love maths. that's when my math lecturer is so good looking to ogle at. lol.

Ryan said...

I'm OK with maths. At least there's mostly a certain answer for every maths question.

Unlike languages, very subjective. Yet that's why they are interesting.

The Vice Buddha said...

Can I like... dare to say that I love Maths :P

But yeah.. homework in general.. is too boring :/

Kenny Mah said...

"MORE homework, please?" And maths, at that? I'd have thrown the whole bag of books at him... lol

savante said...

I'd have scored like crazy then, B :)

Hardly! Math tutors always look terrible, adrian!

Somehow I did alright during exams as well, bradley. Figured they marked on a curve!

Wow. And he taught math! He must be the exception, nothamsap!

But I love the sheer breadth of languages. It can be anything, ryan.

And yes, I hate homework in general too, vice.

Wanted to, life! But you know how heavy our bookbags back then were :)