Even the clothes you wear starts to change. Seriously. Progressively expanding waistline aside ( dammit think positive, think of lipo! ), the old stuff that used to be a staple during university life just doesn't cut it anymore. Never imagined that I'd actually give up my plain comfortable tees and loose battered jeans - surely regular everyday joe kinda wear - but come on, how would that look on someone you're supposed to respect and trust? Someone you're supposed to entrust your life to for even a moment?
Even with the semi-sloppy casual wear doctrine slowly conquering offices everywhere, the ultra-conservative medical bastion has remained staunchly unmoving on this sartorial matter. Hell, even loosening the tie knot when the weather gets sultry can raise more than a few conservative eyebrows. Shirts and ties have remained the norm, some daring, unconventional few even coming out with the snazzy bow ties - though oddly enough most of them are psychiatrists. After all, not even the redoubtable Dr Gregory House can pull off that brash, slovenly look all the time.
And who could blame them? We do have a clothing allowance of sorts so it wouldn't be fair schlepping around the hospital in crumpled leftovers from the nearest pseudo-Goth garage sale - although more than a few doctors could be charged with such murderous fashion felony.

Has anyone seen their desperately dear - yet wonderfully wearable - menswear? Hell, a decent Raoul shirt can successfully salvage even a hideous homely wreck like me.
And the delicious cufflinks! Yeah, I do wear them, cumbersome as they may be at the job - and no, they haven't fallen into a patient's open abdomen yet. Haven't found one that truly matched my wacky personality yet so I'm dealing with some plain run-of-the-mill silver cufflinks for now.
Don't even get me going on the shoes... :)