Monday, March 21, 2005


Been mentioning my ISO infrequently over here and since he's just gone back, I guess there has to be some time for a longer explanation than the bit I did way back when.

Ever since we've broken up amicably ( or should I be vindictive and say I dumped him? :) ), I obviously can't keep calling him my significant other which is where the term ISO came from. He'd kill me if he found that out but since he only surfs online for porn, I figure I'm safe. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy mostly. I wouldn't have been so stupid as to have gone out with him otherwise - although I am tempted to lose my head when I see his ass in jeans. He's cute. Even when I feel like strangling him for being such a sod, I have to admit that he makes some pretty eye-candy. He's also free-spirited ( unlike stodgy old me ), impulsive, bad-tempered... the list goes on. Suffice to say, he's almost everything I'm not.

Unfortunately, while monogamy is a cherished idea for me, for my ISO, monogamy is a death sentence of sorts. Although we had a lot of other differences since we're poles apart personality-wise, this was the one thing I couldn't compromise on. I knowthere are modern gay couples who insist on a freer expression of their sexuality, having open relationships with the occasional flings... but I can't. I admit I'm a green-eyed, crazy jealous monster. It's the Scorpio in me :)


Sven said...

Apparently this wasn't the time for that explanation, eh? ;)

You are making your ISO sounding more and more interesting, too bad about he doesn't like monogamy.. I had a latin bf like your ISO for little over a year, and his confessions almost killed me, certanly killed our affair. But he was soo sexy, and crazy charming.. Come to think of it (it's quite a while back), his last 'confession' was that he had unprotected sex with a guy (very nice guy that I knew - Stockholm is a pond) that he later realised was positive.. not fun (and horribly stupid).

Sven said...

Thanks for the link btw, fun stuff, now I understands why I have so many scorpions around me :)

~swims away~

savante said...

Ouch, Sven. Your latin bf does sound like my ISo but if my ISO admitted such a confesson to me, I'd nail him to the wall.

Thanks, Jason. I share the same idas but once in a while whne I look at that ass on my ISO, I feel like falling from my martyred perch. :)


Taken said...

fuck monogamy