I'm embarassed to admit it but yes, for months now, I've been sending SMSes ( short message service? ) back and forth with a guy, Leo. My
ISO will utterly condemn it if he even caught wind of this. Apart from a vague picture of Leo online, I haven't actually seen the guy. All I know is that he's Chinese ( I think ), comes from Sarawak and works 9 to 5 in the capital. Other than that, he could be a cross-dresser with a pink feather boa, a serial bar-hopper shaking his bits in a public shower or the worst, an
insurance boy with runaway hands.

We've shared some experiences on the phone, had several SMS marathons that have increased my cellphone bills astronomically. And odd as it sounds, we're going for a trip to Bali together. I have my qualms, I'll admit. What if we hate each other at first sight? Or worse, what if he hates me on sight! It's going to be like
LOST, getting a bunch of total strangers tossed together on a tropical island and hoping they survive the strange encounter. I can already imagine us quarrelling bitterly like a bunch of queens ( oh yeah, that has already happened! :( ) flinging feather pillows and pina coladas at each other's faces, kicking sand at each other, pimp-slapping and pushing each other out of rickety buses...
As an eternal optimist though, I can't keep my hopes down so I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed. Perhaps he's gonna turn out like Jack Shephard ( played by the ever sexy
Matthew Fox ) in Lost :) Hell, he'd get every horny gay man wanting to get stranded on a desert island with him.
"he could be a cross-dresser with a pink feather boa, a serial bar-hopper shaking his bits in a public shower or the worst, an insurance boy with runaway hands."
On Bali, who will notice? :)Sounds fun to me. Come to think of it, maybe you could do with a bit of shaking up? You refer to yourself too often as an old fart, and I think yo have more to offer.. ;)
Meeting up with a mysterious SMS guy? How exciting. For your sake I hope he doesn't turn out to be Insurance Boy or any of his close relations. :)
Hopefully you'll have all sorts of stories to tell so I can live vicariously through you. The high point of my life recently was walking in on my boss groping the guy from human resources in the elevator at my conference last weekend.
God, typing that out makes it sound like some awful sitcom.
Yeah, hoping to shed some of my inhibitions - and hopefully retain some semblance of dignity in Bali. I can't leave all of my stodginess behind.
Anon, I'm obsessed with office gossip. My boss groping someone in an elevator would be my highlight of the week too. :)
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