Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Just a short bit as I'm thinking of marriage. Just as my friends are getting hitched, some of them are already smelling of roses and orange blossoms... I do find myself with the slightest tinge of envy. Hell, I'm dead envious.

Although there will be some who find the institution of marriage stiff, old-fashioned and boring, the idea of two people living together for so long almost incredible and inane, I find it utterly wonderful. The very idea of having someone to come home to, the same boring guy to tell - and share - your troubles, to laugh at your shared jokes, to cry over the little miseries of the day... Surely a rose-tinted view of monogamous relationship but still, that very dream is what drives me - just as lonely singleton once said in You've Got Mail.

It's a fact that my ISO never agreed to. Monogamy gives him the shivers which is one of the reasons we're not together.


Anonymous said...

"Mr. Anon" it is, then. :)

I'd have to agree with you on the monogamy, Paul. Singleton life definitely has it's high points, but it gets old.

Of course, this is from the opinion of someone on the outside looking in. I can't help hoping that their grass really is greener and that someday I'll make it to the other side.

Sven said...

I really only miss having someone at home when I have been traveling. Hate not being met at the airport.

Otherwise, being a true pisces, I'm never really lonely, too much going on in my head (nope, I'm not insane :P ) If I was made to chose single or paired, I would go paired for the very reasons you state Paul.

Not to rub it in Paul, but it's rare for a scorpio to be solo, unless you are a doubble scorpio?

savante said...

Yeah, I'm going solo for now - though if you'd asked more than a year ago, I'd have said no :)

Solo Scorpio