By all known accounts - and possibly from some of the wildly unconventional, counter-culture things that have accidentally cropped up from my irrepressible mouth, there are some who might dissemble with this unprecedented declaration. It's true nonetheless. Despite advocating some peculiarly queer notions such as two men actually living together in Pottery Barn inspired harmony ( GASP! ), at the base of it all I actually have some pretty dull, square run-of-the-mill conservative values.
Of course I don't blindly leap all the way into the conservative bandwagon since a quick check on that particular baggage claim area would find such items as opposing big government, gun control, environmentalism and homosexuality. Certainly not that easy ( not to mention takes lots of self-loathing ) opposing homosexuality when you're sleeping with men.
Of course I do have my very own outre twist on traditional values. Respect for your elders, filial piety and celibacy before marriage ( oops! ). Seriously. Don't laugh. Obviously somewhere along the way, some of the missionary school doctrines they harped endlessly about did manage to chisel their way into my brain. Don't be shocked but even legalized abortion still has me shaking my head in disbelief sometimes. Just skipping merrily into a clinic to have a life torn out from deep inside? Hmm...
With my strong views on infidelity, open relationships with threesomes and fourgies on a weekly basis would have me staring in strictly bourgeouis astonishment. Commitment's a word that's practically etched in marble for me and although the idea of checking out the hunky gardener's hedges might be deliciously titillating, it certainly wouldn't occur to me to stray. Unless it was Brandon Routh and Chris Evans - but I mean, they have to be considered extenuating circumstances, don't they? :) At the most, I could consider them temporary hormonal insanity.
Isn't it interesting to see that even with Justin Timberlake's current take on Futuresex Lovesounds, he does manage to come up with some very old-fashioned words on his new single, My Love?

This ring here represents my heart
But there is just one thing I need from you
Saying I do
Albeit a marriage proposal of sorts with some marvellously avant garde riffs, unintelligible rap and fancy footwork. It's far from high-brow Shakespeare for sure but the surely the sentiment remains. Nice to know that even in the future, sex and love sounds obviously wouldn't have changed that much :)