Not sure what it is but perhaps revolutionary Nepalese foreign workers, roasted canine dinners and the perpetual haze enveloping his workplace must be getting to the usually unperturbable Big Bicep Barry - who normally exudes a regular laid-back surfer dude persona. The man was as usual a bit bummed about work - hence the alcoholic drinks. Seriously though, I don't think it's all that easy working in the traditional Chinese family business. Imagine having your dad throwing a conniption about accounts and spreadsheets in the office - and then later at the family dinner table too. How nightmarish. Would probably make me wanna throw up the tepid homecooked tofu.

Hot beach bums
Still, being stressed at work didn't stop the man from splurging on some snazzy ( and terribly expensive for fucking shorts ) board shorts during a quick stop at Quiksilver and when I mentioned it in passing, he said it was retail therapy. Instead of spending loads of moolah on shorts of all things ( regardless of the superior quality, improved details and all that shmuck ), I automatically blurted out a suggestion of writing as alternative therapy.
Paul : Maybe you should write a blog.
Barry : What?
Paul : Did I really just say what I think I said?
Barry : Write a blog? You did.
Paul : Forget what I said. That never happened.
Barry : Yeah, you did. It's a good idea actually. I should write a blog, unload my feelings, improve my English. Hey, you never told me where your blog was.
Paul : And you'll never know.
Barry : Why not? I could get some pointers.
Paul : Because I used to write filthy, nasty things about what I'd do to your naked body.
Barry : Huh.
Guess there are some things we can't talk about. :P Still, he seems more than a little enthusiastic so don't be surprised when you see a link to a Barry on my blogroll one day.
That is something that I am looking forward to see
I will be looking forward to that link to the blog.. something about doctors and their stressful lives..
Retail therapy. HAhaha. We all can't wait for BBB's link, paul!
Yeah, right. BBB reading what you have written about him. I can see that happening. NOT. lol.
Barry's Anatomy! =D
thank you for your comment. its simple and short but has really strong opinion. i sincerely appreciate it, so thank you. and i look foward for Barry's link =P
OMG, Paul!! u're so cute! :P u actually said that u wrote filthy, nasty things about what u'd do to his body to him? :P wish i could've seen his face. hehhe.. haven't been visiting for awhile and oh how much i've missed!! :) missed ur writing! :D
bring him on, paul. ;)
OMG, where di u find dat HOT pic of the guy being xxxamined by de doc? *drool*
a link to barry? but wont dat mean, u'll be *outing* ureself to him?
Paul, i think i am falling in love with barry........ *wink wink* LOL
Heee. It'd be nice to finally talk to the famous BBB.
Wow, we're finally going to hear from BBB. Can't wait to see what he says about you!
Great pic btw.
Finally, a post on BBB! :D
I'm not sure who Barry is but from what you describe of him, I think I'm already having one of my nine lives being shortened....
Tell him that he has a ready-made, VERY big, VERY curious audience just waaaaating to drop by.
looking forward to barry's blog. hehe...
Oh yeah... that's how you bring in the hots...
I too would love to see this :) And I'm a big fan of retail therapy!
no no no no no no no no no! Why ask for a blog about alfalfa sprouts, carrot juice and working out at the gym?.. insane people.
Seriously? I gotta tell Barry then :) But Annniiiiieeee might be right you know... it could be a blog all about alfalfa sprouts and dumbells.
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