Right now as I cackle with wicked satisfaction and rub my hands with glee, there is a lovely new year plant perched on the window sill in front of my desk. Not sure what you'd call the cheery plant with light magenta flowers but it's a thoughtful gift from someone who obviously thinks I'm the nurturing, green-fingered sort - with time enough to water it. :)

Didn't tell him so of course since he'd probably faint from the shock - and anyway he was as usual filled with such joie de vivre that I didn't have the heart to spice up the conversation with skanky sexual innuendo guaranteed to give him nervous palpitations. As I forced some seasonal tidbits on him ( and blatantly lied to him about the caloric value ), I told him about my latest DVD acquisitions. As he raved about the awards the movie had gotten, he expressed a wish to watch Brokeback Mountain and wondered whether I'd mind watching a repeat. Hell, come on! Is it possible that I'd ever raise an objection over watching naked cowboys? If I had my way, all gorgeous men of a certain age should be required to walk about half naked!
Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans. My heinous plans to ply him with drink ( and possibly dangerous drugs ) while we scootched together on the couch for some love in the mountain ranges were thwarted by the return of my overly loud extended family. As tolerant as they might be, I doubt they'd like very much the scandalous spectacle of me drooling all over Barry's muscled arms as onscreen, Heath and Jake roll about half naked in the mountains.
So we finally ended up watching I Do I Do, a hilarious Singaporean comedy about mismatched love in the thirties - with the prerequisite male eye candy in the form of Allan Wu. I have to admit it was kinda tame in comparison to the illegal, X-rated fantasies I had in mind but it wasn't all a total loss though since somehow during the time Barry was lulled into a semi-hypnotic vulnerable state by a propitious melange of homemade arrowroot chips, Mongolian vodka and my oh-so-comfortable silk pillows, he finally let slip his age!
The rat! :)