I've said before that one of the wicked characters, Andrew van Der Kamp, has become a prime favourite - and in the later episodes he hasn't changed for the better at all. Far from it thankfully. Yeah, I am evil that way. There's no gay man on television who plays wickedly sadistic with a sweet, beatific choir-boy smile like Shawn Pyfrom can. Not only does he try to blackmail his abnormally perfect Stepford mother, he's doing his best to scandalize the conservative neighbourhood by making out with his hottie lab partner.

I've been a very bad boy. Spank me, please!
Unsurprisingly, there are those out there who have raised alarms over the fact that the gay character in Desperate Housewives is negatively portrayed as a borderline psychotic man-boy but I find it... rather refreshing actually. Time enough we had a devious, manipulative gay predator around rather than the wimpy, limp-wristed stereotypes we've seen before.
And after all, isn't the devious manipulative type far more common amongst gay men? :)
Still despite my gay genes urging me to take Machiavellian action, I've succeeded in curbing my instincts to push Big Bicep Barry's buttons. In an email a few days back, a wonderfully wise friend of mine reminded me that good friends aren't that easy to come by - and he is right after all. Perpetually needling him seems like a sure-fire way to push such a reticent man away. Surely it is obvious by now that he doesn't want to rush things between us ( not like there's anything much between us at the moment! ) so I've actually resolved to let it progress as it may and let him make up his mind what to do with a pest like me. While he's getting his issues resolved, I shall keep my eyes peeled for any other possibilities - such as a hottie Chris Evans lookalike moving in next door.
Anyway hell, I'm too sick these days to do much about anything :)
good point. The limp-wrist stereotype needs to be thrown out with Sunday night's garbage.
Evil Paul? Would like to see more of that. ;-p
Doctor, you sacrifice your valuable time for TVs? Torrent downloaded files can wait. :) But you already know that. :-)
Take good care of yourself. (^_^)V
I love Desperate Housewives also. It's so deliciously scandalous. Ryan Carnes is a hottie; the hottest on the whole show. Don't you agree? I loved him in the movie Eating Out. Did anyone catch that one?
good thing that you downloaded the DH. download full season, burn in and sell it at pasar malam... you'll make a fortune.
on another thing, is tramatol a nice painkiller? and wgat do you suggest?
You're STILL sick? Poor Paul. It's probably due to all the late nights up watching James Denton...totally understandable of course.
chris Evan looked alike? We need pcitures to verify that. ;)
I agree with legolas...would love to see more of "evil Paul" here...hehe...bring it on baby!
Take care and feel better, hon.
Hey Paul. I can't wait for Season Two of 'Desperate Housewives' to start here. I got Season One on DVD and watches during my vacation. Season Two certainly looks interesting and I too am glad to see an un-stereotyped (if thats even a word) gay character. It's just awesome. As for your Chris Evans look-a-like neighbour - you lucky lucky man! Enjoy. Hope you are feeling better buddy. Take care, much love, CTG
getting desperate???
hmmm...how desprerate can you be Paul? he.he..
btw, my tongue keep having this burning feeling. its damn hurt. any reason for that?
Your throat is still sore? You poor boy! Heck, everyone's falling sick.
And the Chris Evans lookalike mentions was just an example, right? Or was it?
Don't you just love the wicked gay man, Brian! And for leggy and rob, I only turn evil... in real life. You guys gotta see me at work to see nasty bitch me at my best.
shigeki, I'd sacrifice almost anything - and that includes mediocre sex - for television.
sue, I think 80% of the gay men in the world have caught the movie Eating OUt.
Selling DVDs at the pasar malam :O But tramadol is a fine painkiller and should be working for you - you could add some NSAIDs if you want.
Jamie.. I'm mooning over Shawn Pyfrom now :)
Ca va... ctg, if I have a gorgeous Chris Evans lookalike next door, I'd be out there right now worshipping his perfection :) Daniel is right... it's just an example.
Burning tongue? Pakcik.. more deets pls.
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