Let's be honest here.
There seems to be a recurrent theme going on these days and I have been mentioning
Big Bicep Barry quite a lot in some of my latest posts. Swear to God I have no idea where I stand with Big Bicep Barry - whether he sees me as a good gym buddy ( God, I can hear lots of people laughing out loud at this comment, including me :) ), a shopping/movie-watching/food-critic faggot freak or perhaps more than a friend. Seriously, if I knew for sure, I'd be making haste for the altar immediately. With the stacks of
wedding invitations I've been getting lately, I have decided that there's nothing much I can do to beat them so I've decided to join them in a bid to recoup my monetary losses.
Unfortunately, finding a groom is proving to be the stumbling block. The sheer paucity of gay men in this town is simply disheartening since I've been led to believe that most of them have emigrated to greener pastures. The question of whether Barry is even a registered member of the Pink Squad is still up in the air since I really can't tell. Not only has my rusty gay-dar been out of commission for ages, it's almost impossible to tell with a man like Barry. Last time I pressed him with the
Question, all I got was a vague non-committal answer and a smile. And recently when I pressed him for an answer again, all I got was a quick feel of his hard nipples and abs ( contrary to what he says, he does have something cut there ), a quick grin and an admonition to behave myself in public. Okay, we were standing in line for tickets to a movie so it was kinda weird.

Maybe I'd need my super-X-Gay vision..If he really isn't leaning in my direction, then why are we still going out? Surely I'm not such a scintillating conversationalist ( hey, I know I'm definitely no Chris Evans so it can't be my looks ) that he would take the time and the effort to meet up with me each time I call? Isn't it odd that an obviously gay man and a straight/ambisexual/gay vague man would meet up on a regular basis?
Not sure how I'll ever know the answer for certain... well, unless I strip him down in the gym shower and go at him with my wicked tongue. But if he's still partially in the closet, I'd still likely end up with a fist in my eye ( at the very least ). Then again, I might escape unscathed from his wrath since the man has claimed to be a wimpy pacifist ( so why the hell hasn't he offered to make love not war? ).
So what do I do when I have such funny semi-suicidal thoughts in my head? I head for my blessed sanctuary, the one place I can clear my mind in peace and solitude ( sort of ), breathe a little while and think. The shopping mall. Sigh!
So after I found out that I had a free two days and my ex ( yes,
my ISO is still very much alive, never fear! ) had a hotel room in Johor Bahru, I packed my bags and headed down south. What can I say?
Wingedman Will's saucy bits about his latest Singapore expedition and his exploits with various hot dogs left me a little homesick for Orchard Road.
So that's where I've been for the past two days or so, blowing my recently resuscitated finances on Christmas gifts. Somehow or rather my ISO - who knows way more about the techno stuff than me - has managed to rig up his computer to be able to surf online somehow. Evil bastard but still a brilliant bastard. Then again, anyone would know much more than me since I actually know nothing :) Almost embarassed to say this but it's actually taken me a while to even master messaging on the cell. Don't even ask me about multimedia messaging.