Recipe for Instant Power
Just add one megalomaniacal monster.
A Bag of Disenfranchised Souls
A Handful of Hooligans - preferably with low IQ
One Religion - with holy text heavily subverted
Megalomaniacal Monster with a pinch of Charisma
Unfortunately you can't just run out to the store and purchase a Bag of Disenfranchised. Gotta look for them in the mean streets. For the best results, find the Disenfranchised most easily converted to the cause. Gently drizzle the Megalomaniacal Monster into the bag of Disenfranchised. Add the pinch of Charisma in just before you mix the entire potent blend together.
Then toss in the one Religion after heavily subverting their holy text. Religion is always good but there are always some who'd prefer to subvert it to their own perverse tastes. Almost impossible to argue with the Word of God after all.

A disbelieving skeptic converted after just one bite!
Of course just before the mix hardens, the handful of Hooligans ( preferably with less IQ than brawn since the IQ just messes things up ) get tossed in randomly. Folded well into the Bag of Disenfranchised, just note the terrifying bubbles of trouble they make in the brew.
Shake well for instant mayhem.
Supposedly an almost perfect recipe for disaster. According to my teachers, this particular recipe received raved reviews even a millenia ago in ancient Alexandria! Just watch the visually imposing epic Agora for some hands-on tips. Secular humanists personified by the ill-fated scientist Hypatia get crushed when religious fundamentalists gain power. Since then potentates, tyrants and despots the world over have continued using this proven brand of wickedness repeatedly.
In fact I believe there are some wily folks out there in the country who have already learned this explosive secret.
Simple enough recipe for any wannabe megalomaniac to use.
So who wants to rule the world?