Men and their shoes!
Including me. Seriously. Came about this shoe fetish honestly since my father actually has dozens of pairs himself. Charming Calvin can attest that I can actually stand and stare for hours at a particularly beautiful pair of handmade J.M. Weston boots. Near orgasmic really.
Obviously I'm not the only one who thinks so. Why else would a late evening discussion between friends drift inevitably to two of our favourite topics? Men ...and shoes.
Nothing like comparing the the relative merits of... ummm.. shoes. Like how the easy fit of a pair of comfortably worn sandals compares to a pair of deliciously sinful - but obviously dangerously painful - pair of leather boots. Most would obviously pick the former but don't you think sometimes it's worth it just slipping your feet into something enticing for once? Might not fit just as well as those reliable sandals but hell, you're not keeping those boots on forever :)
Paul : So you actually can't make up your mind?
Walter : Well it's like settling for an inexpensive Bata shoe when you're in lust with a Prada!
Paul : But the scintillating Prada already has his own comfortable Hush Puppies at home waiting!
Walter : Hence the dilemma.
Paul : Hmmm... you could indulge in the Prada for a brief weekend, work that obsession out of your system and then at least give the worthy Bata a chance. He might surprise you.
Walter : A weekend fling with the Prada? You are the devil!
Mixed metaphors, I know :)
People ( especially an astonished Strapping Shane! ) still find it odd that with all my endless talk of commitment, I'm also one of the first to urge young guys to indulge in decadent one-night-stands if possible. Come on - safe sex notwithstanding, I don't see why a single foot-loose, fancy-free guy shouldn't be able to go around sowing his wild oats in as many fertile fields as possible. Especially if all skanky libidinous parties involved are informed of the no-strings-attached rule prior to the event.
Before you guys all start leaping into the wrong conclusions, you might note that I actually mentioned single and unattached. Adulterers should still be stoned in my book.
But for the rest of the singletons, you're only young ( and hopefully pretty ) once after all. Be safe of course but that doesn't mean you have to cloister yourself in a secluded hillside monastery eschewing all forms of hedonistic debauchery.
There's always time for just a little bit of naughty sin ( and if you're extra lucky a hunky bicurious novitiate cloistered together in that monastery! ). Of course, that's just me. :)
Let the one without sin cast the first stone! :P
i never liked bata anyway :p
and prada is definately toxic to the core!
and i am given this darn extralong verification word!
...I like a good looking pair of sneakers or a sleek running shoe. What does that say about my taste?
Extremely tempted but still finding it hard to indulge in my shoe fetish since the darned pumps are way beyond affordable, by my tastes anyway. :P
i suppose i'll take your advice (however shocking it may be) and go indulge in some other sin then. hehe
been out in the desert for quite some time and am back in the good ol' islands for vacation. havent read your blog in AGES since desertfolk BANNED it from their "uber-rich" country, saying it did not "confirm" with their beliefs and principles, yada, yada. all i can say is tell that to all the prostitutes and men being raped on their streets! anyway, sadly, i hafta go back tomorrow, so i guess it will be another dry spell for me from hearing of any of your wonderful bedtime stories.
Eh? All this time, I thought you were with charming calvin??? I'm wrong?
... shoessssss... WHY did you had to put the url there!!! now i'm soooo curious with this brand... mmm...
Hmmm, isn't that what all bare-footed souls do? Test before they buy? And oft times fall in love with some lovely-looking pair, and while initially snug and all might chaff after a bit of wearing :s
Shoes do not give me an orgasm. I went on a dry season of 6 years before buying a new pair. :D.
Hey, and I DID link you on my blog leh.... fitnah me. Blek.
I have a closet full of designer shoes. But since I am no longer working I have no place to wear them. I suppose my Ferragamos get lonely alone in the dark.
mmm.. i last went mad on a shoe shopping binge on my birthday. picked up 3 pairs then. gaaaahhh! and a smokin credit card. *sigh*
True enough. Just don't let Mary hear you, shane.
EGT, poor Bata! I love Bata!
Well, lance... not sure whether Shane fits into the running shoes or other footwear.
Wait a few years. Work a bit more. You'll be able to afford it soon, junkie.
Can't believe I'm banned in the desert dammit, polar bear!
Yeah, I am with calvin, chris.
Don't the shoes look simply heavenly, daniel?
Chafe a bit, janvier? Bwahahahha...
Six years wearing the same shoe, william?!
Speak Ferragamos to me again, sue. Sigh.
Three pairs! Where are you wearing them to, closetalk!
I actually browsed around looking for ur email. lol. ?
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