Thursday, April 19, 2007

Cruel Intentions

You guys already know how precious my sleep is to me :) Such a desperately sought-after commodity after all! After all, isn't the zombiefied physician desperately in need of some shut-eye kinda a known stereotype?

Well it isn't often that I manage to sleep late mornings so I try to make teh best of it when I do get the chance, rare though it is. Usually turn off my cellphone, bolt all the doors, slam the windows, shut the curtains and turn up the air-conditioner full blast. Possibly as close to hibernating for winter in a mountain cave as anyone can possibly get.

Fortunately managed to get 7 straight hours till this morning when I was rudely awakened by the sound of early birds chirping. Seriously. I know we're supposed to adore the heavenly sounds of nature calling but black murder was present in my thoughts.

And all I could think of was getting a bow and arrow to shoot them down. Perhaps even fry them with bread crumbs and spice for breakfast.

Have an apple on me!

Certainly a far cry from pure, innocent Snow White serenading the lovebirds - I'm probably more like the wicked stepmother with the poisoned apple. Pretty sure she had fried pigeon for breakfast too ( that's when she's not too busy feasting on her virginal step-daughter's heart ).


Janvier said...

Ooo, you be a light sleeper then? We keeps the room dark with heavy, opaque curtains.

...then again, we never show up to work early...

Ry said...

oohh poor little birds! thought that nature had some kind of soothing effect! huh huh...

Jason said...

birds.. chirping.. i dun have that.. no trees for it to land near by to chirp! haha

MrBunnyBan said...

hee hee hee... the birds are alive with the sound of music...

Allan Yap & Nigel A. Skelchy said...

I so know what you mean Paul. ;-) We're replacing our curtains with black out curtains and locking the door! ;-)

Anonymous said...

These days I'm kind of a light-sleeper, could be that the days are becoming longer... What more come May-July? Ugh. So i try to sleep some more when I can, like sleeping from 3 to 8pm tonight. It felt goooood. Now the problem is sleeping tonight for work tomorrow.

Ganymede said...

Little birdie chirp chirp chirp~~~

I thought you love birdies. :P

sereneannabelle said...

i dun have a window in my room. it's nearing winter now. every minute in my room is like hibernating, and i hate it coz i've missed my lecture this morning again and i cannot concentrate coz I feel like sleeping all the time. sometimes i think that some heat might be quite helpful. =P

Shake Trees said...

an apple a day scared the doctor away but it seemed this apple is for death note n it didn't scare u doc. lolx... haih sleeping beauty had not enuf sleep ah. bite an apple n fall asleep while the prince comes. kekeke...

Anonymous said...

damn I hate the birds chirping in the morning and there's one kind which goes "gwaaaaakkkk" rather than the normal "chip chip". can't wait to stone them to their sorry deaths. :p

Andy Kuramoto said...

I get where your coming from. It's sometimes worse when I'm in Hong Kong, because there's always SOME problem that requires them to honk each other every other second.

I swear, if it wasn't against the law, I'd probably have thrown a can of gasoline down there along with ten other lighters to make sure they all burn to their sorry deaths. >_>;

Anonymous said...


Las montañas said...

oh we have birds.. and they are called crows and mynahs. caw caw caw caw caw!

jay said...

As someone who frequently goes to bed at 3-6am due to school or just plain IM-ing, i can understand your pain and anger.

Nothing pisses me off more than going to bed at 6am only to hear cars driving onto the driveway (which is right outside my window).

Kiks said...


I'm getting a minimum of 7 hours sleep per night, to spare anyone the insufferable "Not Enough Sleep"-Kiks.

He's BAD!!! And will turn evil in no time.

(whenever my schedule allows it, I sleep for 9 hours. Straight. Sans break.)

savante said...

Well, janvier... I am a pretty light sleeper usually. Used to it at work where we're woken up at all odd hours.

Hardly soothing at that hour in the morning, bry :P

Lucky you, jase!

Yeah, they probably won't be alive too long, ban.

Good idea, nige!

Whoa, you sleep pretty late, mark.

What gave you the idea I love birdies? Not that sort, you naughty skank defiant.

Sleeping in when it's cold outside, goodshit.. we all love that.

But the apple looks delish, right, tech?

These birds go chirp chirp endlessly, junkie.

Can't imagine the crazy din in Hong Kong, andy! How did you ever sleep!

Virginal.. sort of, closetalk :P

That would be worse, las montanas.

OMG! Get to sleep, jay! :) At 3-6 am?!

9 hours. I am jealous, kiks.
