Sometime I have people ask me how I get ideas for my stories... sometimes I do dream them up but occasionally something like this happens to me. I believe I mentioned the grope and the tongue affair some time back. Well, after my initial fall from grace ( I have to admit, it wasn't the first time! ), I waited with bated breath for something... anything... and stubbornly the man resisted, keeping silent like the bloody Sphinx. Apart from some curiously worded, mildly suggestive instant messages, he stayed curiously mum on the embarassing affair. For a guy who shouts and yells at the least provocation, the silence was oddly uncharacteristic for him and it remained suspect to me.

ISO : Mr and Mrs Smith. Saturday.
Paul : Nah. Can't wait that long. Catching it tomorrow.
ISO : Come on. I'll pay for dinner. You can steal my popcorn.
Paul : Hell, I'll steal Brad Pitt's popcorn!
( hey, I'm at work, I don't exactly think of witty quips while giving epidurals )
ISO : What the hell. You can grope me again. :)
Paul : ( shocked silence. I believe I dropped my pen on the floor )
ISO : I won't wear my underwear this time.
Paul : ( shocked silence as I recall how damned fine he looks with and without his underwear )
ISO : You know you like it. :)
So I remained silent, covered in shame. Oh, the shame! Ah, I should have known... the man is wicked!
Free movie. Free dinner. Free popcorn. I'm poorly paid. I'm cheap.
What do ya think? :)
I must be blind.
I see no cause for shame - you know you like it.
I see nothing wicked in the bargin - he likes it too.
I think it's kind of cute :)
If I get into anything wild, woolly and wicked, I shall blame Sven for it :)
well if hes offering... lol!!! ohhh id deffinitely say yes!!! and yes again!!! common you get the whole package dinner,movie and popcorn!!! and lets not forget the hunk without his underwear!!! who would say no???!!
If it's any help I'd be happy to accept full responsability for everything you do, Paul ;)
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