Saturday, June 11, 2005

Lazy Weekends

Well, you guys all know what I do on lazy weekends... sleep around, read some trashy novels, watch the telly. Nothing too absorbing or taxing - and certainly nothing to improve the mind.

Actually tuned in to a bunch of DVDs I just received in the mail and one of them really made it to my really chocolatey sweet list. Just a funny, romantic movie that's just perfect for a a lazy Saturday morning. The Trip, written and directed by Miles Swain, traces the tumultuous course of a romance between two disparate personalities, a closeted gay Republican, Alan, and the radical gay activist, Tommy. Perhaps the story itself is fairly basic; the struggle with coming to terms with sexuality, a first love, and how life can change us in so many ways. Add that to the wonderful secondary characters and entertaining dialogue and you have a hit.

The TripNot much sex or hard-core action ( though the two main stars are to-die-for, in Valley-girl speak :) I think I have a crush on Larry Sullivan who plays Alan ) but the story speaks for itself, both hilariously witty and yet incredibly touching at some moments. Although it briefly touches on the sweeping social changes of the 70s and 80s, that sombre mood isn't allowed to overpower the general lightheartedness of the movie. Hell, it's a sweet comedy romance not a earth-shattering social commentary.

Get a blanket, bring the popcorn and go watch it with someone you love.


Sven said...

I could really do with a lazy weekend right now, but no rest for the *insert whatever you think fit*. You have to enjoy it for me as well Paul ;)

Anonymous said...


What happen during the movie with your ISO :) You did go right? Right?

gosh... I need a life of my own..

Jay said...

I spent Saturday in Hamleys - London's biggest toy store - with my flatmate's two young sons, surrounded by several hundred other screaming kids running around my ankles at top speed clutching Batman merchandise.

Gimme a movie with cuties and some popcorn anyday.

savante said...

Free movie. Of course I'd go!

Jay, Hamley's sounds like a dream. I loved going there, playing with all the toys - and flirting with all the boys ( the ones past jailbait age, I mean ).
