For me, the true worth of a gentleman is measured by how well he treats the lowliest servant. Glittering heaps of accolades and awards don't exactly earn my respect. So what? Endless titles of Datukships and Tan Sris tagged in front of the name only earn a raised eyebrow from me as I wonder exactly how much a princely sum was given in exchange!
So when I see the entire hospital staff running helter skelter to prepare for the arrival of one of these supposedly awe-inspiring Datuks, I find myself shaking my head despairingly. Obviously our country's still pretty much feudalistic in culture. How else to explain the overblown festivities, the endless rites of protocol and the ever-present kow-towing toad-eaters associated with such titled folks.

Am I supposed to be impressed?
I honestly thought God Himself had come to pay a visit?
Paul : Wow. What's the fuss this morning?
Toady : Oh, we have to get things ready for the Datuk. The flower bouquets, the red carpet and the dancing girls.
Paul : What a merry carnivalesque reception. And what does he do again?
Toady : He's our elected representative.
Paul : So you voted for him? Isn't he supposed to work for you?
Toady : But he's a Datuk! Oh we need a ten-course banquet as well!
Like that's the end of all matters. Why not bow down three times in servile deference while you're at it? Or offer your virginal daughters as sacrifice?
But seriously, people. Haven't we moved beyond the olden days of antiquated feudalism? Didn't the French Revolution teach us anything at all? Give respect to the ones who deserve it. Though I'm sure there are a handful of titled folk who are actually deserving of the sobriquet, that doesn't mean all the Datuks are immediately worthy.
Respect should be readily given to the shabbiest-dressed teacher at the back rather than the shamelessly grinning Datuk with the shiny medals.