'Course there were a few I wouldn't have minded taking a tumble with behind the church organs. After all like the proverbial apple in the garden, the forbidden is always deliciously seductive - and I've never been all that great at resisting dark impulses.
Given time, the endangered breed of altar boys soon found themselves assaulted on all sides with sinful temptations of wine, women and song leading them astray. Hence the slow but steady extinction as age ( and devilry ) catches up with them. Of course there are a couple who seem to have been left behind in the seminaries as everyone else goes out to play.

Good Boys Gone Bad!
Seems like I've found the last one at my workplace.
A true babe in the manger. An untainted altar boy newly escaped from the claustrophobic confines of the cloisters for a night out on the town ( and despite the fact that it was his hometown, desperately needed a holy GPS tracker to get him around ). I didn't know they still had one of these in the city! Seems like it was my duty ( along with my pagan compatriots Statuesque Sarah and Fabulous Fiona ) to bedevil him.
Jesus, it was an almost impossible task to tempt Pious Peter. He said no to drink. He said no to women - even after Sarah completed the dance of the seven veils. He said no to song - not a karaoke fan and possibly condemning such a sleazy den of iniquity. Our celibate saint here said no to every one of the seven sins!
Peter : Let us pray to the Lord.
Paul : OMG.
I bet that was what St Paul said way back as well.
But during a pregnant pause, Peter accidentally slipped ( slip of the devil? ) that he had fallen from grace once before. Obviously we all three literally pounced on that juicy item. And when we finally had him confessing to us - after forcing a single drop of margarita down his throat, all we actually got out of him was a story of Peter hiking up the mountain to retrieve the lost commandments with his newly anointed apostles.
Far from titillating - and this was after Fiona and I had already recounted our endless litany of sins. But that doesn't mean we're giving up on our wicked mission.
Seriously. Next to this innocent lil fella Peter, I feel deliciously stained. A corrupting evil influence leading a good sheep astray.
Who the hell knew it could feel so good.
Stop corrupting the good.
Haha, Paul the devil! :P
Far from good, I'm sure, legolas.
And far from the devil too, darren :P
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