Tuesday, June 03, 2008


I like ruts.

Given a chance I'd probably wallow happily in a deep-old rut for decades.

Yet I have changed my place of work almost four times in that many years. Hardly have time to really settle in before I'm packing it up again. All for the sake of career advancement.

Damn. I hate the wandering nomadic life. I hate living out of what amounts to a suitcase for months. I hate not knowing what's going to happen tomorrow. I hate picking up the threads of a new life in a fuckin foreign land with perfect strangers I don't know.

After all I don't enjoy change. Seriously never liked them. Unlike my mother who relishes challenges and deplores ruts, I don't need excitement and change in my life once every little while.

Stuck in a rut
I know it's crummy, stinky and dirty but I love my rut!
Do I really have to move?

Dull doldrums are for me. Seriously, the duller the better. Guess I was made out to be what used to be the typical Japanese salaryman - that efficient lil cog in the monstrously large machine working 9 to 5 clocking in with the same dull routine every day from womb to tomb. Staying in the same town for decades while bringing up a multi-generational family - becoming almost a permanent fixture in the community.

That's for me. I like digging deep solid roots into a place.

Would be cool to hear of people talking of the old Dr Paul pottering about in his dignified brownstone decades from now.

Hell, that old coot, he's been living there for years. Looks damned serious but wouldn't you know, he actually trips the mischievious vandals who skate by with his cane!

Yeah, that old man :)


Jaded Jeremy said...

One of those rare occassions I agee with you.

Ryan said...

Yeap me too. No nomad life, please! It took ages for me to settle down and adapt to a new place. Guess I am not resilient enough?!

A Lewis said...

Stinky and dirty? I'd like some please. And, as for ruts, I love them.

Janvier said...

We'll stay a while in our current jobbo first. Then only we'll see if we'll move on...

We're sure got maksud tersirat somewhere here... :P

RPMnut said...

Give me roots and ruts, or give me death.

There's an unsaid appeal to a constant predictability in one's life.


Perky said...

when it comes to places, i absolutely welcome the change coz i love absorbing the new surroundings and whatever comes with it.

but strangely enough, i hate changes in my circle of friends, which is probably why i have like 5friends ;)

TJay said...

Me? I'm an agent of change... I like to see a mix even in a relationship. Not saying changing boyfriends but doing things that are different together are fun and needed. Boredom and complacency can set in to the detriment of a relationship

savante said...

At times, I can be almost sensible, jeremy :P

Possibly but I prefer to think we like roots, ryan.

Depends. If they're stinky and dirty like the guy above, I'm so taking it as well, lewis.

Whoa. Tell us more, janvier.

Agreed! We should support ruts, rpm.

Oddly enough, my circle of friends does change with time, perky.

Well, I gotta suggest it to my friends then, Tjay.
