Saturday, May 21, 2005

Return of the Sith

A lesson to be learnt. Do not tempt thy ex-boyfriend's irrational lusts :)

Out of plain insanity, deep, repressed lusts - or due to the simple fact that Anakin and Padme were boring me to death with their overly sentimental re-enactment of a sappy, pseudo romantic scene ( bringing to mind their previous hilltop romp in Attack of the Clones ), I decided to do a lil naughty finger-walking on my ISO's hard thighs. Instead of nudging me away in irritation or even gasping in disbelief, he turns, knocks my hand away and slips me some tongue. In the darkened theatre. In public!

But it has been some time since I had me some tongue and it was great.

Still I pushed him away, told him to mind his manners and asked him for the popcorn. I can be such a tease sometimes. Nothing has changed between us but he did message me tonight asking whether I wanted some sugar.


Sven said...

Life on the edge, eh? ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow. Go Paul. Now, take that tongue to a new level, and get laid.

You're well on your way, it would seem.

grave_creek said...

ouhhhhh!!! you got my juices going with that one!! lol!!! just joking lah!! so groping in the dark ?? finally crossing to the dark side huh???hahahaha it feels good to come back home!!!!

savante said...

The tongue tasted fine, all hot, sweet and caramelly... on account of the popcorn he'd been munching. I think I probably sucked a kernel too. :) No cigarettes. He knows my stance on smoking.
