After my recent fall to the Dark Side, I wondered whether it would be possible to return to the land of the clean-cut and partially decent. After he called to tell me he was coming over to catch some DVDs, it was with some trepidation that I agreed to have my ISO over. It isn't exactly easy to talk to a guy you just brazenly felt up in the theatre ( like a desperately daft but utterly shameless hussy/slut ) especially when it's an ex you broke up with not too long ago.
Thankfully for once my ISO remained the perfect gentleman and made no mention of my fall from grace. Still I maintained a hopefully platonic conversation, ruthlessly censoring even the veriest whisper of sex in my speech - which was a little difficult since I usually had some raunchy conversations with my friends. Shameless Shalom and Graceless Grace remained thankfully oblivious throughout the night. Obviously, they were much too engrossed with the crazy activities of four retired ladies in the Golden Girls.
Apparently, thinking that I was safe from his probing questions in the presence of innocent bystanders was a fatal mistake since I continued receiving wickedly suggestive messages all night long on the phone. How could he possibly maintain that perfectly straight face while thinking such lewd, explicit thoughts! And I could have sworn he had this horrible smirk all the while.

Still he didn't mention anything at all - to my utter relief! Then again perhaps the damn bastard means to torture me by saying nothing!
Your blog description caught my eye. Got a similar one I think you might like to check out! Perhaps an exchange program of sorts re: content? Glad I found you!
Come now Paul, I detect a hint of disapointment between the lines. And yes, you want sex and he knows it, so now he has you pinned. Poor Paul ;P
Your ISO sounds like a bit of a rogue and we all know it's the bad ones that are the most fun, eh?
I've never had ex-sex before, but I imagine it must be quite fun.
Spike, what a skanky blog! I loved it! :)
My ISO is a rogue. And it's always fun to have an ex likethat - but not when it's obvious he's keen on torturing me.
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