Since the nurses held a protest march to send me home after my French mime act failed to deliver enthusiastic applause, I readily packed my bags and came home. Barking out orders across a patient with cue cards and charades isn't exactly the style they're used to - and after pelting me with jugs of
assam jawa and lozenges, the nurses decided that it was time I went home. Possibly the one time my occasional bouts of
laryngitis actually brought something good in my life. So for the first time in quite a while, I managed to
shlep on home before 3. Quite an achievement for me, I tell ya. Usually I get tied down with other commitments at work such as meetings, tutorials and presentations that never seem to end.

And since I have cable, I ended up watching movie re-runs while hacking out half my lung. Nothing like a reasonably interesting movie, a hot cup of tea and some lozenges to while away the time. Halfway through my movie marathon, I did receive a call from
Big Bicep Barry ( who is tramping through some God-forsaken
ulu village where he's peddling his well-endowed wares ) asking about my condition but all I could give him was a few rasps and coughs that were far from wickedly alluring, I'm sure. Still he took my monosyllabic grunts in good stead and reminded me to be a good boy and take care of myself.
Didn't the man know that the perfect panacea would be a proposition to give him a soapy scrub in the shower?
Hmmm. So. After going through a four hour long
Bourne marathon, I've decided that here's the perfect man for me. Jason Bourne :) Not traffic-stoppingly gorgeous ( boy, I'd be crazy possessive with a man like that and it'll be exhausting! ) but just boyishly cute enough. And yet underneath that serious, staid demeanour, he can actually kill a man with a chopstick. How cool is that! Lots of odious characters I wouldn't mind having
gralloched and it would be great to have a boyfriend who could do that without breaking a sweat.
oh, that's why there is a solution to commmunicate with people like MSN messanger and stuff like that!
When he spoke French in that movie, I , for the first time in my life, found him hot. :)
Rest well and get better, honey.
I loved everything about the Bourne character. Man could he move or what!
What is assam jawa? Does it help? My sister gets really bad laryngitis about once a year. Hard to listen to, but then she gets this really deep sexy voice thing. Feel better soon!
i can only guess that being sick makes you horny? I'm reading your trail of comments on sites! you little horndog u!
Hmm, I'd rather have a Clive Owen Professer from the first Bourne film myself. Preferably a non-dead one.
My boss tells me (she being reliably informed about Victorian melodrama) that consumption makes the sufferer incredibly horny. Perhaps it's the blood loss, I don't know. Maybe your sore throat is doing something similar for you, Paul. :o)
Oh yeah - I did notice the gralloching. ;o)
Get well soon. Obviously, u need some honey for your sorethroat. wishing you all the best in recovery. Get well soon ya..
Me down with no voice already. So sad. :(
Hopefully I will get my voice back before Raya..if not...there goes my chance to eat sinful food..he.he..
Haven't get the chance to watch the 2nd installment of the Bourne series yet. Matt Damon just doesn't do it for me. He just lacks that special something. ;-p
Hope you get well soon, Paul !
Chopsticks has never looked so sexy x)
Would that mean using body armor when going out for Chinese or Thai?
Thanks, shigeki. Taking that rest you mentioned.
Assam jawa does help a little.. but I guess not when it's as bad as my throat.
Everything makes me horny, jjd :) Not only flus.
Trying the odd herbal concoctions you mentioned, homeboyy.. let's see whether it works.
James, I forgot all about the dead sexy Clive Owen.
Always horny as I mentioned, ru... not only the blood loss and the consumption :)
Get me some honey, ca va! And some for pakcik!
Chopsticks, squido? :)
Thanks, lost!
Hey, if the guy's as good as Bourne, there's certainly no need for body armour :)
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