Chicken soup is such a sweet old comfort food. Not sure what you guys took when you were kids but there was a time when chicken soup was the one and only thing I could make in the kitchen - other than an incredible mess. It's hot, it's thick and wholesome looking... and it goes down so nicely late at night. And I can hope ( can't I? ) that the calorie intake isn't gonna thicken up my waistline as well :)
Of course in Asia, we have an infamous item called instant noodles ( thanks Wee for reminding me! ) Don't get me wrong. I love it too.. all that Indomie and Maggi Mee during late nights has left an indelible impression in my mind. Since I started work however, I've associated it with the workplace since we have a large stash of instant noodles ever ready in the pantry. Just add hot water :) So terribly tempting but I think of my ISO's tiny waist and I try my best to resist.
Damn, is this me? I'm actually talking about calories.. God, I've been taken over by psycho gym zombies. I'm starting to sound like my ISO and Big Bicep Barry.
I had chicken soup two nights ago! Mmm, mmm, GOOD!
Ah, yes, it's still a comfort food, but with another reason added in: sweet nostalgia!
When I was a kid I'd have instant noodles - Indomie Mi Goreng in particular - as a late night snack. Not as comforting as chicken soup but yummy nonetheless :P
Isn't nostalgia great, Brian?
And hey, I do have indomie too - but usually at work. We have a stash of instant noodles there so I actually associate instant noodles with work! :)
We have several brand of instant noodles here in TH. The most famous one is Mama and their top sales flavour I believe is Tom yum koong (the famous spicy and sour shrimp Thai soup). It is quite shameful to say that I do have a slight weak spot for instant noodle. It's quick to make and very tasty, especially if you like it hot and spicy. I often cook two packs and sometimes mix the flavours :dd
My mom did not make chicken soup often though... More often than not she would make the clear white radish dish that we kids love. She often make it in big pot and that will save her from cooking a lot for several days :)
Hot, thick and wholesome looking ... sounds like some of the guys where I work. :oD
So are you going to start doing soup recipes like BratBoySchool Ethan does? (the illustrated recipes, with the chef in swimming shorts) :o)
it is not easy to resist food temptation.... i learnt the hard way of cutting down on soft drinks, late-night snacks and chocolate-flavoured drinks like milo....
geez, perhaps,i am also turning into a calorie-counting gym zombie... but why are the gym gods not smilling???
Comfort food? Mine's celery sticks and carrot juice.
Oh god, such a blatant lie.
HOT CHOCOLATE!!!! W/ teeny tiny marshmallows that get up your nose if you drink too quickly! Also risk of tongue-scalding. Geez...I need safer comfort food.
Please don't get me started on instant noodles. I buy dozens of them, from Maggi Mee (laksa and curry) to Indomie (Mee Goreng) to all the weird and wonderful Korean/Chinese/Japanese brands stacked high in Chinatown's provision shops.
When I was a kid people told me that eating these things made your hair fall out. -checks hair-
Jay My mom told me that often too!! But instant noodle is not healthy anyhow... All carb. and MSG
I barely have chicken soups... I am not sure why but we don't get to have that... huh..... But I don't always understand the concept of having the soup and get well philosophy....
We have veggie instant soups or "Asian" (I am sure you all disagree as they are japanaized.) instant noodles that are less than 100 calories. If you go to Isetan, check them out!
Soup for the Soul. Dang, I should have used that for the topic!
Pete, I definitely know the mama brand since my brother is obsessed with the Tom Yam noodle. We have boxes galore in the storeroom since we buy in bulk when we go back to Bangkok.
ru, i've decided to work over at your place. Hot and wholesome guys abound? Damn, makes me wanna lose my diet :) And there is no way I'm gonna cook like Bratboy does - until I get abs like his.
Kit, I know it is difficult.. wouldn't it be cool if we had a pill to eat!
klmuscle... only cheese?!
Sorry, lost, but for some reason cups of milo remind me of hospital patients :)
jay, you are so right... I used to have people telling us that our hair would fall out too. So far my hair's hanging on...
shigeki! Our Jap boy :) I do get the Jap brands too but it's quite a travel to go up to Isetan just to get some noodles. But I do find some at Jusco.
Paul - yeah, come and work here. :o) Our main hospital is only about 400m from where I work, down the road and across the park. The ambulance station is just across the road. Outside our office windows is the Fire Service yard, where the firemen do all their practice drills, and the entrance to the police station.
I do love my job. :o)
noodles that are less than 100 cals a pack? what are they made off? sawdust? But I would eat them cos the japanese really know how to make yummy instant noodles..
Dang.. I don't know who he is, but he can cook for me anytime!
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