Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Moon guilt

RunnerIf you happen to live in the suburbs of Malacca - and just happened to look out your window this evening, you might have seen a dark-haired guy in shorts huffing and puffing his way through a jog.

Seriously, I blame the moon.

The jog hasn't exhausted the oxygen supply to my head leaving me slightly addled - though my hands are a bit jittery, I'll admit. The moon spawned the Mid Autumn Festival, something celebrated by Chinese all over the world over... and invariably, they share cups of heavy wine and the inevitable mooncakes under the light of a million lil lanterns. Desperately sweet, oily, cholesterol-laden mooncakes - guaranteed to have your friendly cardiologist screaming in fear.

And I can't resist them. That is why after eating one whole cake by myself, I felt a huge pang of guilt. Damn.

So I ran.


Anonymous said...

Darn it - I so live in the wrong city!

It's not the mooncakes I miss, it's the cute guilt-ridden joggers. :o\

savante said...

Ah, ru, you're missing one of the simple pleasures in life. Eating mooncakes on a cool evening under the stars.

Damn I should have a man to share it with.


Anonymous said...

Does that mean if you only hate half the mooncake (the guy you're with eating the other half) that you wouldn't run away guilt stricken? :oD

That cute guy in the pic looks like he stole my shorts, btw. ;oP

Legolas said...

Is it mooncake festival already? I thought it will be another one week plus?

Anyways, mooncakes + chinese tea = perfect match.

But then, mooncakes + chinese tea + hot guy = Absolutely perfect.

Who wants to be my hot guy?

savante said...

Yeah, if I had a guy, I could share the cake and I wouldn't put on weight.

A boyfriend to share the fat.


savante said...

Legolas, I'm free tomorrow. Bring that bow and arrow.


Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmm, cake!

Michael said...

Eau de Man Just Home From a Run is right up there with Eau de Man Fresh From the Shower. Damn. And you sound like a romantic, too. You're hurting me.

Petie said...

I began to see many mooncake outlets here in the shopping mall near my place.

Since I have never been an adventurous eater I never tried these mooncake... I guess I will just have to stick with the western style cake... Vanilla cake, cheese cakes (New York, Marble, Lemon), Black Forest, Chocolate cake...

Legolas said...

Paul dear, I have to work and you're in Melacca. Why didn't I get a job in Melacca before this? Darn.... (banging my head on the wall....)

Anonymous said...

er... did u happen to bypass bukit beruang night market to get ur dinner? or izzit from there u got ur mooncake? i certainly didn't see anyone particularly a handsome doctor look with dark hair jogging in shorts!!! i want to see!!! i want to see!!!

AJ said...

lol not be a freebie slut but,

FREE Mooncake + Chinese Tea + Hot Guy is even better...

Shared my free moon cake with my bf the other day in bed, with pineapple juice.... *Life is good*

Joel said...

I guess I missed that one. I have NO idea what a moon cake is.

Derek said...

Darlings, mooncake festival is next Sunday (18th).

Ooh, and I so love mooncakes. Especially lotus seed.

Haven't tried the more exotic ones though - they are freaking expensive.


hbjock said...

Well hey, at least you got up and went running! I haven't gone running in ages =(

Anonymous said...

So what are mooncakes made of? (apart from oil and cholesterol)

savante said...

Well, legolas, you're not that far away. You travelled half of Middle Earth just for a damned ring afetr all :)

pete, you're making me hungry! And aren't you in Bangkok? You should be far more adventurous with food :)

chowhofun, I jog around my housing estate far north of Bukit Beruang. And obviously if you're looking for a handsome doctor, you won't see me :)

androjane, I am so jealous!

You don't eat the yolks, sisyphus!? :O


Petie said...

I am hardly adventurous in most respect of my life :P Although the most adventurous activities so far is telling my mom I will be staying at a friend's place for the weekend without adding that 'a friend's place' is in Hong Kong :p

Most of my meals are consist of Thais, Chineses, and Japaneses food or at least I tried to do so. My mom still the best cook ever though ;)

Kiks said...

Ts, fuck the guilt. A late night run only burns around 220 kcals per hour, without the aftereffect you'd get from a morning run which is a higher metabolism for the rest of the day.

Just, enjoy your mooncake. I'm gonna eat some too these days, some very yummy beanpaste with salty yolk mooncakes. And I still wanna try the Haägen Dasz Ice Cream Mooncakes. Or greentea mooncakes. *drool*....Oh, Mooncakes...

savante said...

Pete! You gotta try out the food there! You're missing something out of paradise!

Wish I could just say hell to the guilt but I can't! I look at my ISO's tiny waist - I look at Barry ( and Will :) ) starving himself.. and I am assailed by guilt.


Petie said...

As a Thais the Thai food are quite an adventure in itself already ;)

I have came to a point where I would add spice in my food if it could be done. Heck I even add the grounded chilli into pasta :P