Of course things got a lot more salacious once my friends put on a ridiculously graphic porn movies about a wandering nymphette who seemed to have some difficulty finding her clothes ( perhaps looking for them in what looked to be a men's dormitory wasn't a very bright idea, but then she didn't look all that sharp anyway ). Still the lil miss managed to pander to some of my friends' more prurient fantasies for a while - and near obliterated some of the healthy respect I had for my friends. They get totally weird in front of naked women onscreen :)

Still, it hopefully provided some excellent DIY techniques to inspire my friend, Tiny Tim, during some of his connubial revels. Of course, it would take considerable athletic prowess - and the abnormally flexible spine of a yoga master - to perform some of those feats. Saw a different side of the man last night. Alcohol certainly loosened his tongue - and he's certainly way more fun than his usual uptight self.
Fortunately, the wedding went as planned without a hitch. Managed to get Tiny Tim up from his inebriated sleep without much fuss. Tiny Tina, his bride looked absolutely horrendous in a pink confection of frills and lace - sadly resembling nothing less than an Asian hooker on steroids - but I looked terribly dashing in baby pink and Calvin Kleins. Told her before that I should have chosen her dress!
Didn't have a date for the wedding dinner unfortunately since I actually declined Graceless Grace's invitation. Still I found myself seated next to my staff nurse's man-child. Just like one of my stories, the man-child was sixteen officially but looked at least a virile, fuckable twenty! With dark sexy eyes, a hint of a mustache and a smile worthy of Timothy Lim, he charmed the pants off me - well almost anyway till I realized that he was jailbait.
Still I am hopeful, he does have an older brother in college.
I looked terribly dashing in baby pink and Calvin Kleins - I have no doubt that you did look dashing, but could you please elaborate on this? What was pink and what was CK?
...or maybe not, and let my instant mental image stay untouched.. ;)
Were you the 'best man'?
No need to imagine, Sven. :) I had a baby pink cotton shirt, a maroon beaded chain and black CK jeans.
There were two best men and I was one of them. Held the ring but I didn't give the scripture reading though ( much too unholy for that *grin* )
I have no problem with pink either - but there goes my vision of Paul in a short pink tank top and his white CK undies.. ;)
Yeah, I liked my first mental picture better too, Sven.
Imagine if Paul showed up in a pink tank top and CK undies to the wedding? :P
You know, there are some women out there that find men in pink very sexy indeed.
Pink tank top and CK undies? :) Could I be more gay? Come to think about it I should have done that. I'd certainly have picked up more guys that way!
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