To my amazement, I realized that I knew all the musicals they mentioned. God, I even knew the words for most of the songs sung. Yes, I am one of those guys who moonlight as shower karaoke singers ( unlike the renowned Von Trapp Family singers ).
All this stems from the fact that I used to stay up late as a kid on weekend nights catching up on old movies. Old, blurry black-and-whites... the old MGM musicals that used to play repeatedly on the late nights over here. And I danced with the King of Siam, walked down the street where you lived with Freddy and sang in the rain with Gene. Next thing you know, I'm gonna stand up and start singing Hello Dolly from Barbra.
God, I am so gay.
I haven't seen any musicals either but I'm dying to see some. When I was in HK, no one would want to come with me to the theatre, so I missed out on so many good shows. Now I'm in Australia and nothing's on...bugger...-_-"
Caught quite a few in Melbourne actually. I know I saw Sound of Music over there.
Bathtub baritone. I like that one.
I'm with you there, Jason. I really enjoy musicals, but not enough to drive for hours.
The local performing arts center isn't too bad, but most of the time I settle for the classics on DVD.
Hey, I travelled hundreds of miles to watch musicals :) London for Miss Saigon, My Fair Lady, Phantom, Les Mis, Sunset Blvd... Melbourne for Sound of Music - and the King and I, if I recall. Now, is that dedication or what?
I know! They killed off Boone. Now, what reason is there to watch Lost? Now they really have to make Jack gay to regain my interest :)
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