No worries. This isn't going to be a post about the trials and tribulations of spoiled rich blond princesses with minute
frou frou poodles that can fit into their Tiffany diamond encrusted Prada handbags. Instead, this post is gonna be about the simple things in life - courtesy of the ever charming
Studly Shiong. Since I reputedly wailed outside his door like a screaming schoolgirl the last time he left me out of a meme, he has personally tagged me this time.
Top 10 Life's Simplest Pleasures
( in no particular order actually )
10. Swaying in the late evenings to the cool sax of a jazz musician. Preferably with someone special but a solo act is acceptable.
9. Lazing away a Sunday afternoon on my daybed doing absolutely nothing flipping through the tv channels and dreaming impossible dreams - and the occasional wet one.
8. Having the plane touch down safely ( thanks to the efficient and sexy pilots :P ) on the grounds of a new, exciting destination. Not only are you whole, hearty and in one piece ( instead of burning into a cinder as the plane rushes to meet the ground or failing which, you're stranded LOST on a desert island with sexy Matthew Fox... which come to think about it, is quite alright actually ), your heart is beating beating double-time and your palms are sweating as you wonder just what awaits! The people! The sights! The tastes! The sales! :)
7. The sweet thrill of holding a new book in my hands. The sheer indescribable scent of freshly minted pages and the anticipation of opening new unimaginable vistas.
6. Taking a slow drive with someone you love - having your hands inadvertently touch and link together.
5. Realizing that you're off from work at a surprisingly early hour! Nothing like receiving sudden unlooked-for blessings. Imagine what experiences you can have as you sneak your way out of the office! The people! The sights! The tastes! The sales! :) Yeah, I am single-minded.
4. Finding that perfect purchase for a bargain basement price. The perfect fit of the perfect jeans. The beautiful cut of that Raoul shirt. The impossibly suitable addition to your home decor whether it's that maximalist
bling bling chandelier or that Turkish rug.
3. Late night chats with a best friend, whether dissing the latest heartthrobs or discussing the latest scandalous on-dit at work.
2. Manwatching.
1. Waking up early in the morning to watch the man I love sleeping next to me.
Reading this, I just realized that I am kinda a sap :) A somewhat skanky sap but still, pretty much a sap.
Certainly a day for memes though since I just realized one of the sexy pilots mentioned above,
Wingedman Willa, actually tagged me for one. Not sure how I could be classified as a potty-mouth though.
FOUR MOVIES YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER: How can I possibly decide!! Only four!
1. Any of the Lord of the Rings franchise for sure
2. Emma
3. My Fair Lady
4. Sound of Music
2. Penang
3. Kuala Lumpur
4. Melbourne
2. Any of the CSI series
3. Desperate Housewives - like someone mentioned, most gay boys dream f emulating houseproud Bree van Der Kamp
4. Sex and the City - I know it's gone but I still love it so much!
2. London
3. Paris
4. Shanghai
Nifty Stories3.
Adwoff Messageboard4.
Hotmail for my email of course.
FOUR OF YOUR FAVORITE FOODS:1. KFC for obvious reasons surely. Nothing like fat and cholesterol for temptation.
2. Peanut butter ice-cream. Sounds weird but it's delicious.
3. Hash browns
4. Dim sum - mostly of the steamed variety
FOUR PLACES YOU'D RATHER BE:1. Charing Cross Rd, London
2. Penang
3. Back home in Malacca
4. Bangkok
Not sure who I should tag but I guess everyone's welcome to join in the fourplay - since surely nothing is as enjoyable as a gay crowd enjoying some fourplay. Coincidentally, I
am actually joining up with a gay crowd tonight though I seriously doubt that fourplay would be involved.