Saturday, October 13, 2007

On My Desk

An interesting meme's about what's on the screen of your computer? Tells ya something about the owner, doesn't it? After all, someone with a Silent Hill demon staring grimly out of the screen would be a far different creature than someone with a cutesy pink Hello Kitty wallpaper.

Of course I'm too much of a technohimbo to know how to do so. Print the screen, I mean. Never actually learnt how in the first place so I experimented with various esoteric combinations on the keyboard. Suffice to say, I finally know what buttons not to press on the computer.

In science, experimentation is good. On my laptop? Not so.

Was just about ready to throw in the towel - since I admit I'm way too dumb to publish my wallpapers - when fortunately the more tech-savvy Lanky Lex came upon the scene to lend a hand. So et voila!

Goodbye Boys

One of my favourites from Goodbye Boys. A bit darker than my wont but hey, it's a coming-of-age. And did I mention one of the wandering scouts is a cutie? Turns out to be gay by the end of the movie. Wonder if he's available to give me a call.

Clark kent

Brandon Routh staring moodily into the distance as Clark Kent. Whether in glasses or in tights, he's always super hot to me.

Second Chances

Not sure where I found this gem but hey, it's a charming wallpaper. Two guys sitting on the roof of what looks like a church. And we all like Second Chances, don't we?

I know. You might have noticed a theme on my wallpapers. Oddly enough I only have guys on my wallpapers.


Melvin Mah said...

How sacred for the third one...

poof said...

But we all knew that it only contain boys didn't we already?

Anonymous said...

my laptop has a wallpaper of a lunar eclipse in bluish light. Does that mean I have the makings of a werewolf? Or perhaps that one day, I'll be as gorgeous as Hugh Jackman? =)

Alex said...

Oooo.. interesting.... I was epxcting a skankier desktop from you.

ikanbilis said...

i <3 the third one.

my wallpaper is basically a whole bunch of coconut trees facing the sea with a nice facade of the moon. looks like i see raya all the time!

when i get my macbook later this year, i so will put hugh jackman.

Sue said...

I am surprised at how tame your desktops are. Mine is a picture of Francesco D'Macho sleeping naked on his front from the waist up. Hey, it could be worse!

savante said...

I see everyone expected me to have something out of gay porn on my wallpaper :P

coolgardy said...

My wallpaper is about plants and more green..boring unlike yours.