Just that I was extra busy at work last night. Make that 3 deaths, 4 discharges, 5 admissions and 6 ward referrals. Doesn't sound a lot but for a place used to a steady trickle of patients, this raging flood certainly is unexpected. And that's not counting the poor fella who had a horrific midnight meeting with a container truck.
Totally blame one of my hyperactive colleagues for being a jinx :)
Since I've already adjusted to the more... shall we say... relaxed atmosphere of work around here, Ive found little opportunity to bare my fangs. Perfect gentleman I swear. Hardly any reason to throw down with Scalpel Siths these days - especially when they helpfully provide cute male eye-candy in the hospital.

Could you do me a favour?
Seriously. I've said it before and it still holds true. Whoever said good looks doesn't matter is a sad blind fool.
Because it does. Not only does the work get done faster - since even the usually grumpy nurses swoon at your every word, it even gets your referrals seen in a jiffy. Bonus points if you have a deep, sexy baritone to boot! We all know what a turn-off whiny wimpy voices can be to a total hottie, right?
The Beckham Syndrome, anyone?
So you can imagine how sweetly obliging I was when I received a midnight referral from Randy Rolf. Think hot, sexy Austro-Malay melange with dreamy brown eyes. Best of all, he has a brain.
Rolf : Hello Paul. Do you mind seeing my patient in Ward C.
Paul : Not a problem. Any other services you'd like me to offer? I'm always ready to serve, Rolf.
Rolf : Uhh...
Paul : Any toys you want me to bring along?
Ah, fantasies.
Of course I didn't say that. Obliging I might be but I'm well known to act a tad differently in my workplace. Somehow, naughty come-ons don't mesh that well with my icy-cold, standoffish professional persona.
A pity. I'd have liked to proposition Rolf. After all, you know our surgical tables can assume dozens of positions? Providential :)
Whoever said good looks doesn't matter is a sad blind fool.
I totally agree !
surgical tables can assume dozens of positions
Tell me more ! **prash winks**
One of my ex is a doc, back in India. He is so hot in bed...he told me that docs know better than anybody how to do it and when to do it...hope all the docs are hot ! ;-)
OoO ... you doctors always know how to tease :P he he ...
and there's got to be plenty of empty beds around the hospital ... plus ... being cute and all that ... surely you could charm the pants off of the poor fella. ha ha ...
sigh ...........................
Dozens of positions? O.O Have you been reading too much Kama Sutra? ;p
So why is the doctor an ex, prash! :)
Who? Me cute? You must be talking of someone else, kenneth :P
Oh baby dove, that's my bedtime story!
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