But I didn't do so last month. It was the first time in almost five years.
How could I possibly do so! The sum was astronomical and sadly enough, I don't earn in a month ( a year? ) what Bill Gates makes in a minute. Or even what the Wingedman makes ( can you tell that I am envious as hell :) ) Surely I am debunking the patently false myth of doctors making money hand over fist but that's all a huge lie perpetuated to lure innocent students into the heinous world of medicine. Although there are a handful of high flyers in the private hospitals having sinful bags of money thrown at them, the rest of us working doctors are usually paid a pittance in comparison.
It is barely enough to support the lifestyle of a goldfish - much less me :) Which is why I actually depend on the kindness of strangers - and occasionally my ISO - for free meals. Half the time I feel like prostituting myself just to make ends meet ( it's an honest living, dammit! ) but I doubt I'd even earn a decent buck.
Maybe if I looked as good as Chris Evans.
Yay! Good for you!
I wish I could pay off mine! :-\
I've reached the credit limit and they issued me a letter asking me to pay up or else... How about that? ;-P
I used to pay up in full every month, but my secondment make it inconvenient for me to go to the bank.
It's not much of a choice, darien. I have to pay. I'm compelled. My peace of mind needs it!
leggy... I am stunned!
Touch of Pink was really good, Maida? I must get it then.
Well, after my back injury/financial debacle I resolved in 2003; I have ONE credit card. When they issued a $500USD limit, I called and had it lowered to $300USD. And paying it off is NOT easy. We make weekly payments. And using it is way too easy. I only have it to help rebuild my credit so I can get that house loan I'll be needing sometime in the very near future (as with my current personal loan).
Oh I am such a sad case. :p I don't have my own card yet; what I have is a supplementary one, with my brother as the principal. I do use it from time to time, but I don't pay my brother for what I spend. Good thing is, he never asks for me to pay. ;) I'm just petrified to get my own; I know what I could do with it.
Paul darling, goldfish don't usually have Turkish rugs and lamps! :oD
Leggie babe, having your credit card withdrawn and being blacklisted for bad credit rating is also inconvenient. :o$ Pay them off quick!
Oh yeah, Touch of Pink was good unlike other gay movies (well, there are some good movies...but)
Dealing with credit cards is sometimes hard but spending a lot in Turkey. I am envious!
Even though it's practically in the gay charter to live beyond one's means, I just can't. I've never carried a credit card balance. I even add extra principal to my mortgage payment. Gah. So boring. I do pay way too much for underwear, though!
-sigh- I'm exactly like you - I can't stand having unpaid credit card bills. In fact, I've set up a direct debit which pays it off automatically.
That said, I haven't used my credit card in ages - I prefer debit cards and cash. In fact, the only recent activity in 6 months was when it was nicked by pickpockets last week :(
And uh, if you think doctors are poorly paid, think of us sad saps in callcentres. Luckily the pound's strong vs other currencies, so a short holiday doesn't always mean the utter destruction of your finances.
Hmm two 'in facts' in one comment. That upsets me. In fact, I think that makes me rather anal.
You think that's bad? How about me who is unable to Get a credit card due to the fact that I will have *wages* not *salary* :ppp
However, I am not very concern about getting one...
It never ceases to amaze me that those of us in healthcare get very little in the way of compensation when you think of the responsibilities we carry, the education needed, and the risks we face everyday. But a sports player, well, that's another story. I sometimes think we have our priorities out of order.
well, milady, I knew it was you! :) Thanks for dropping in.
brian, yeah, I know how difficult it is to pay credit bills. Damn, I wish the lines were shorter and the tellers were cuter.
Mark, your brother pays the bills? We are so gonna have an expensive dinner on him soon. Uhh... is he single? :)
ru, the goldfish doesn't have all that?!
shigeki, you have the beautiful yen! Go spend it. Come over to Malaysia.
Michael, I think it's time we saw some of those expensive underwear.
jay, you know I should really think of getting a debit card.
You're in Thailand, Pete. Even a small wage goes far!
My woes exactly, Curtis. I would definitely vote for you!
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