She's a year and a half - and she's more than a handful, for all her petite size. Isn't it a wonder how kids can have so much energy in their little bodies? If I ran about aimlessly like her all day long, I'd be dead exhausted after ten minutes ( what can I say? I need an aim in life like running towards the Kenneth Cole Sale ) - but she can keep it up for hours literally! My niece and I have the occasional tussle during the night when I initiate a WWF throwdown with her while she protests vociferously about her regimented sleeping hours. Getting a baby to sleep without anaesthetics isn't as easy as it seems.
Since I still have to do my grocery shopping, I sometimes bring her along - all decked out in Osh Kosh. There are times when I pick a shirt just to match hers - and hell, we do look great. Holding her hand as she toddles along, I frequently garner quite a lot of female attention. I'm practically a babe magnet when my niece is in tow. Somehow or rather, females melt when they see a guy with a baby. Must be some instant hormonal changes triggering the maternal instinct turning them into cooing, giggling mothers-to-be. The misleading image of a nurturing, sensitive guy helps too, I guess.
Which is obviously the opposite of what I'm aiming to achieve. Somehow gay men immediately tag me as a breeder and automatically discount me. A hot straight guy might be desirable but somehow a hot straight dad is instantly hands-off for some reason :)
Hell, no wonder I can't get a normal date.
oh, i don't know. i would have cruised you if i saw you with a baby in tow. humpy daddies are da bomb, yo! ::rowr::
Actually, I find men with small children in tow really attractive. :oP As you say, it shows they have a sensitive, nurturing side ... and it just seems to make them more studly and hotter somehow. I certainly wouldn't rule them out as an instant hands-off ... I mean it could be someone else's kid, or the guy could be divorced and looking for a boyfriend, right? :o) (I wouldn't break up someone else's relationship, honest!)
Maybe it's because I'd love to have children of my own, I dunno.
Humpy daddies... :) Yum!
ru, now you're talking! You want kids too?!
I would consider having kids of my own ass the highest blessings! That's why I want to be a straight guy! Geez, it is almost impossible to have kids if you are gay!
Well, cute straight guys with a baby or two in tow do work for me. Especially i they've got nice bodies and they're like carrying a baby in the crook of one nicely muscled arm. Gosh! Can't help it. Having a kid is kind of like a testament for virility is it not?
Oh and I have seen cute gay guys walking around with babies so I won't automatically assume a guy with a baby is straight, not unless they're really shabbily dressed. With a wife in tow. And maybe three other kids as well.
That's actually so true. If he is with a baby, I would exclude from the list of hotties as I would assume he might be unavailable. But then, I can't get a great date these days. grrrrrr.
I used to watch a father playing basketball with his kids. Sporty and caring at the same time, what a wonderful man.
daddies,with or without kids(i count the kids as an added bonus)are one of the most addorable and drool worthy kind of straight men around!!!lol...only if they are fit thought!!!lol!!
Paul, you're crazy. DILFs rock! As everyone else here has said, there's nothing hotter than a hunky man with a kid.
Except maybe, a hunky man with a kid who's flirting with you.
OMG something just twitched involuntarily at thought.
Jay - me too. ;o)
Kit - you don’t have to be straight to have children, lots of gay men (and gay women) have children. (Love ya Kit, glad to see you’re still hanging online. :o) )
Paul - do I want kids too? Yay, maybe we can make babies together. :oP
fyi i've been following yr blogs for the past months, something great to read. do drop-in mine k ;)
note to self:
go out more often with toddler in tow.
ooh yeah, i've seen some DILFs as well, unfortunately, they were with their wives. world, you are so cruel!
Hey buddy, thanks for your condolences.. they do mean a lot.
so do u mean that i should be looking for a doctor with dark brown hair and reddish highlight carrying a baby toddler girl in mahkota parade or jusco or tesco?
It's funny, my friend Todd used his nephew (toddler) to get a date just last week :)
I too tend to jump to conclusions that a guy with a kid is straight.
the more I see of the gay and pseudo-gay community, it seems that children and wedding rings matter less--especially to those they belong to. So you're still in the running, even with your niece in tow. Just smile your winning smile and laugh, knowing people now want you that can't have you.... :)*insert evil grin here*
I worked at an infant and toddler child care center for many years. Most of the staff were women (not all heterosexual), with one strtaight man and one gay man also working there. One thing we all agreed on was that it was absolutely, completely, utterly adorable when the dads came to drop off or pick up their kids.
Once you get past the fact that it is more usual to see the moms with the kids, it turns out they're very attractive too.
COme to think of it, not all the parents were heterosexual either. THe lesbian mommies were extremely attractive too. And excessively grateful for the small courtesy of treating them like any other parent.
ru, I'd love to make babies with you - but I'd need a surrogate mom somewhere.
Thanks for dropping by, ku e.
Whoa, you guys all find daddies cute? Hell, I'm going for a walk this weekend with my niece - and try to chat up every cute guy that walks by! So chowhofun, keep your eyes peeled.
I used to like the idea of doing the male pregnancy thing. Then my sister got pregnant and the hospital told her she was a ‘geriatric mom’ because she was over the age of 25, and I went right off the idea ... no way is anyone going to call me geriatric!
But hey, Unca Paul, if we take your niece for a walk in the park I’m sure there will be dozens of women all volunteering to have our babies for us. :oD
paul, i'm surprised that you're surprised that a lot of us think men with children are hot and that hot men with children are even hotter. wasn't there a discussion on this in the comments in one of your previous posts?
anyway, work it! work it!
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