Old as it may be, it's a really true adage. My home has always been filled with people - and on the occasional weekends and holidays, I have tons of relatives over. Since I've always been part of a large, boisterous family that occasionally drives me insane, I sometimes feel a need to be alone... just be by myself for a few days or so, away from all the craziness, all the mayhem and all the noise. It's only lately that I'm feeling the pinch since I've developed a certain paranoia.
Nothing strikes the idea of being painfully single home more than being alone in an empty house. And what makes it worse is living in a large house with several empty rooms all alone. Bought the place somewhere out in the suburbs and I'm in a relatively new neighbourhood - and obviously they are those who prowl the night ( or at least according to the urban legends told to me by my nosy neighbour - hey, everyone has one, right? ). Some nights I've literally stared at the ceiling for hours listening to the eerie sounds of the night. Even the smallest creak in the night.. the slightest bump on the wall wakes me up - and I reach for my trusty hockey stick - don' tbe shocked but I used to play hockey - by my bedside. Don't know what I intend to do with it but at least I'd be able to toss the hockey stick to the awaiting prowler and leap out of the window while he stares in astonishment.

I'm starting to feel like the naive lil bimbo/nymphette in every slasher flick keeping her eyes open for the nearest prowler - and yet waking ever so stupidly into every trap held out to her. Or you can imagine the gay version of a horror flick in Hellbent.
Am I paranoid?
You should go to watch the movie Boogeyman.
And scare myself even more!? :)
Yeah, hockey stick.. seriously! I used to play.
No, you're not, Paul ! I live in a medium sized apartment with my parents. But, they're only here for the weekends. So, I'm alone most of the time during weekdays.
Everytime, I go to bed, I swear my eyes are just playing tricks on me. Seein things move in the dark, hearin things go bump in the night, etc..Of course, it is just that. Your mind plays trick on you.
How about some easy listening music to lull yourself to sleep ?
Invite someone hot and do something hot. :-) That will get you to sleep in no time. :-)
Isn't it scary, ahmad? Hey, when are you gonna set up a blog?
shigeki, if I had someone hot and hard, I wouldn't be sleeping.
Hmm, sporty Paul. :oP
How much do you need to be worried? I mean, apart from the nosy neighbour's rumours, how much evidence of actual house-breaks and prowlers is there in your neighbourhood? Or is it no more than rumour?
Actually I like lying in bed listening to the familiar noises of the house at dead of night. But I guess the important word there is familiar, I know what's going on. The scarier things for me are the ones you don't hear coming ... when you just imagine you see something by a trick of the eyes. But I don't have a hockey stick to warn them off, just attitude. :o\
Probably doesn't help if you're thinking about being alone when you're trying to get to sleep (the loneliness of being single in a king size bed :o( ). So yeah, you could try music or reading (not horror stories) or meditating just before you go to sleep, or even focusing on some salacious fantasy, to take your mind off the solitude.
a few months ago, i went to see ju-on (the original japanese version) with some friends. i normally don't go see horror films because i have an over active imagination and remain scared hours after seeing it. but, this time, i went.
as you might know, ju-on is about a haunted house and part of the scariness of the movie was all those weird noises that you hear off-screen. that night, when i was already in bed and all the lights were off and it was extremely dark, there was this loud BANG that came from the ceiling.
i started praying the rosary as soon as i calmed down. (^__^)
Nope, you're not paranoid. I'm the biggest wimp coming or going so I feel ya. Completely.
Music and reading.. that's what I already do anyway. And salacious thoughts keep me up, ru :)
Not even gonna think of scary movies!
well, if it was a Friday the 13th flick, you know you won't be the first to go (the lovemaking couples always are) so that gives you a head start!
Reading your blog keeps me up, Paul ... in a good way, of course. ;o)
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