Till that fateful day when I finally trade in my scrubs, I still have my little pet peeves that number in the hundreds. Tardiness remains at the top of that chart and it's one of the things I find absolutely unforgivable. An unwavering respect for punctuality has been resolutely ingrained in me by my strict mama - hammered into my skull is more like it - and despite the occasional slip-ups ( sometimes due to no fault of mine since critically ill patients never seem to keep to a regular schedule! ), I've always tried my level best to keep my appointments. With all the clocks at home obsessively adjusted to five minutes earlier than the norm, coming late has become as rare an occurrence for me as a midnight fire-sale in Louis Vuitton. Always strikes me as ironic that those who stay the closest frequently arrive last, mouthing inane excuses that only makes me grit my teeth to stop myself from delivering a Five Fingered Fist of Death.
Although I shouldn't judge everyone by the same hellacious depths of anal-retentiveness, impatience has always been one of my besetting sins and the devil in me tends to sprout horns when tardiness makes an appearance. Fortunately for the continued existence of mankind as we know it, the devil's horns are balanced out by my patent inability to speak especially when I'm in a mindless rage. Articulation and speech flees my mind when naked fury possesses me and it's all I can do to string a couple of words together into a complete sentence since my mind's filled to the brim with maniacal Mephistophelian plots for the tardy perpetrator. Quite a relief since otherwise, the world would be full of unwitting victims slashed to ribbons by my careless tongue.

Planning world domination!
Even seemingly invincible Big Bicep Barry wasn't spared from my garbled, unintelligible fury today. Since his aging cellphone was apparently throwing the technological equivalent of a hissy fit ( most likely post menopausal ), he found himself unable to reply to the urgent trio of SMSes that I shot at him when he was unaccountably delayed.
Barry ( breathless ) : Hey, sorry I'm late.
Paul : Grrrr...
Barr : Hope you don't mind but I got caught up with a client and I had to finish up my...
Paul : Grrrr...
Barry : Hey, you okay? I'm terribly sorry.
Paul : I am okay. No worries.
Barry : Well, you look a bit pissed.
Paul : I AM NOT ANGRY. And the smoke rising from my head is just CGI.
I could have sworn I almost bit off my tongue ( and obviously I never said that last line out loud though I could have sworn I mumbled it out ). Fortunately even as I felt the irreversible change descending upon me like some evil malignant cloud, I realized that Barry certainly didn't deserve the wrath of my dark side descending upon him and managed to restrain myself from committing any unforgivable deeds. Still, I really was this close to leaping at him with fangs bared - not sure whether it was to viciously rip out his throat or to gnaw gently on his boner however. Perhaps it was a little bit of both.
Oooh, you are truly evil Paul. Did he have a boner? hehehehe I used to get really angry when people were late and take it as a personal insult. But this is not always the case. Some people are just really laid back. When they set a time to meet they mean within 15 minutes after that time or more. Of course if we ever set a time to meet I would consider myself late if I was not there 15-30 minutes early.
i usually plan all my appointments in that people WILL be about anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes late. 99 times out of a 100, i'm right.
we should always feed our inner puppy. hehehe.
This is interesting... how many more "-less" series you have? Very clever, Paul....
Anyway.... everyone has some form of anger from time to time... Forgiveness is a key.... and definitely having big biceps worth your forgiveness...
Count to 100 in German and take a deep breath!.....paused and then start again! Don't forget the stress barometer....you don't really want it to hit 100 do you? Think of the high blood pressure....:-)
Have a good day!
Not sure if he had a boner, sue, but if he gets hot when I'm in an angry mood, I can certainly change my attitude towards him :)
So do I, idiot :)
A few more, alex. Never planned it with the 'less' but I noticed it the other day and just decided to carry on.
Not that angry after I ate my dinner, ian. Red meat always cools me down oddly enough.
err.. ok hope you feel alright now...
gee now im scared of you!
cool down cool down..
btw sometimes we are human after all...
Huh i always reach early or even if late not more than 10 minutes.. i hate to let ppl wait for me.. but uhmnn somehow i hate to wait for ppl too.. sigh... One of my ex, uhmnn always late for 20-30 minutes whenever we come out.. I'm soo frustrated of it yet i couldn't start to say it out since i dun wan to quarrel.. sigh.. but now i dun care since he's my "ex" ahahaha
It's never too early to show him what a shrewish wife you'll make him :-p
Mmm i sometimes get those moments with my boyfriend, i then feel so bad afterwards for ever being angry at my sweetheart.
I have a friend who will require to wait at least 30 minutes before he is ready to go out regardless you call him in advance.Sigh
oh dear...m starting to get worried about working s a doc in malaysia
i can wait for an hour but beyond that, you'll see a different person. i could be as feisty for the whole day and won't talk to the person for hours.
What I don't get is, why hasn't BBB jumped you yet?
dude...cool down la...want me to give you a warm hug tak?
come here...HUG HUG.
n stop la this -less thing. are u okay or not ;)
Gnaw gently, Paul! ;oP
Alas, I have inherited from my mother's family the ability to rush like crazy to be ready on time, and still manage to end up being behind schedule. It's the family curse. Asking forgiveness in advance (grovel, grovel).
Well Paul, sometimes some people just failed to keep their promise when they said they will meet up at a certain time. I've a friend where he will be late for at least an hour after the stated time. If we are going for a movie in town, we will meet at a certain time before the movie (at least 1 1/2hr before the show) but he showed up an hour and he told me to take a train (where we had only 1/2 hr to rush to the theatre.)
If he is late for the movie that i want to watch badly, he will get it from me. =(
darling, BBB is definitely into you. make the move and tell us the good news already! the suspense btwn you and BBB is killing me! :D
BONER? What have I been missing these last couple weeks?
hooh. i'm not consistently early, nor am i consistently late. i suppose it's relative how important the other person is relative to me. wakaka.
Nothing to be afraid of, grafxgurl :) Relatively harmless, I assure you.
ceusm and pakcik. Nah, I'm fine. just all my frustrations coming home at a sudden. poor guy.
Jay. bwahahahaha :)
True, marco. Will try not to be so nasty next time.
Wait 30 mins, anon? I'd strangle him for sure.
g_c, your boss sounds much worse than me.
No worries, k, much worse people abound in the medical profession :)
agc_disu, same over here. i slowly morph into a monster depending on the length of time.
Obviously , he has no such thoughts, will. Part of the frustration I mentioned.
Being late? Grrrrr... ru.
Dave, I'd carry a leather whip.
Sigh. Asmadi. Very unheterosexual for sure, adamaw but still...
Nothing wild happened, brian. Relax :)
Precisely the reason I was angry actually, quicksilver.
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