Thursday, October 02, 2008

Germ of a Rumour

Spotted. J having a cosy lunch with F at a certain chic spot in the city centre sharing a dumpling and more. Tell me, does our little L know?

You know when a soap opera hits a particularly dull plateau with a stable long-time couple and they just have to drag in that deliciously dangerous distraction to spice up the new season? Whether an ex-flame or the post-adolescent gardener?

Well we literally had to make one up for Jaunty Jared and Lanky Lex. Seriously, two of my favourite fellows in the world - but honestly a tad nauseatingly sweet when together. Fetch me a bucket really!

You see, Lex has had his paranoid doubts about Fox for sometime ( a particularly intimate buddy of Jared for eons ) though we repeatedly assured him that his suspicions were utterly unfounded. According to his homosexual-till-proven-otherwise theory, our hitherto closeted Fox has carried a torch for Jared since forever. Ever the charming disbeliever, Lex started expounding on his endless conspiracy theories - that in the end we happily ( wickedly! ) corroborated since we knew no harm could come of it.

Jared of course is far too much of a sweetie to ever play the conniving adulterer.

But we're just hanging out. Really!

And he knows I'm watching. Always. Two-time my friends and your car might just skid off the road without brakes one of these days.

I'm just saying.

But after cooking up increasingly impossible hypothetical situations involving our poor innocent Jared ( even one involving the interference of his hipster mother! ), we got sudden breaking news. Speak of the devil and he doth show up? Well, we heard from our oblivious Jared that he'd skipped lunch with the gang to hang out with Fox in a private tete-a-tete.

At least that's what we inferred from the measly bits of information he provided.

I had lunch with a friend.
I just finished lunch.
Oh, F just finished lunch.
F just left this building.

Scandalous. So the plot thickens. And you can well imagine Lex's chagrin.

XOXO darlings. Tune in next week to find out what happens next. An affair totally fabricated of course but hell, it'll still boost the ratings! Little Lex does love his conspiracy theories after all.


Medie007 said...

you know you love me. :P
love the show too!

Alex said...

What the....

Jaded Jeremy said...

Haha... wei, don't be so cruel lah you.

savante said...

Scandalous, right, ah bong!

Well you did say it was alright, alex :P

Monstrous, jeremy!
