Thursday, October 16, 2008

Beijing IX : The Peony Pavilion

Since I had a breathless sprint through the Forbidden Palace the last time trying to cover all the bases, I figured I'd better take it slower this time. Take in the sights, sip some coffee, smell the peonies along the way. Possibly at a dawdling stroll - which for me still outpaces half the geriatrics tottering along.

Even took the time to sit under the shady old trees in the ancient courtyard sipping hot green tea while I watched the endless streams of tourists being herded from place to place by their overeager guides. Listened to the locals chatter ( loudly! ) with each other in their native lingo slurring their heavily accented rrrs in the familiar Beijing lilt.

Lost in Translation?

As usual it took me a while to get used to the language - since I can barely understand our normal Mandarin, you can imagine how hard it is with the added complexity of the local accent to confuse my poor taxed ear. This particular speechless Chinaman had to struggle through mumbling commonplaces to get himself understood. No doubt they thought I was a babbling simpleton.

Salesgirl : Do you need any help, sir?
Paul : Buy. Wanna buy. Buy.
Salesgirl : Sure. Do you want the blue, the red or the yellow one, sir? How about this new edition?
Paul : Buy. Wanna buy. Buy.
Salesgirl : But how about the matching shirts? How about the teacup?
Paul : Buy. Wanna buy. Buy. Cheap. Cheap.

Okay. I admit I know how to say buy in multiple languages. Even Esperanto. So you can imagine that I've already started running up my credit charge.

Of course I'm not the only one lost in translation. Just today I saw such gems during teatime at the peony pavilion. Had me nearly choking on a steamed bun ...

Three Fresh Farking Dumplings
Rice Fry The Vegetables

Seriously. That's some intelligent rice in China. Let's not talk about the lewd dumplings.

BTW a really cute barista ( a Beijing Boy who speaks English! ) serves Starbucks just down the block from the apartment. I could so lick mocha off his luscious 18 yo lips. So guess what I'm drinking now.


Nishiki said...

'Buy' in Esperanto:

infinitive: aĉeti
past indicative: aĉetis
present indicative: aĉetas
future indicative: aĉetos
past active participle: aĉetinta
present active participle: aĉetanta
future active participle: aĉetonta
past passive participle: aĉetita
present passive participle: aĉetata
future passive participle: aĉetota
Conditional: aĉetus
Imperative: aĉetu

Janvier said...

We'll get you multilingual flash cards to use next time. And a calculator so you can show them prices.

asd said...

you drinking the boy??? and blogging at the same time... now thats multi tasking for you....

Jaded Jeremy said...

You're drinking his saliva?