The lack of a trustworthy broadband connection is still extremely jarring but I'm reasonably sure that this untenable situation shouldn't last longer than two weeks at the most. Certainly fairly distracting when I find myself disconnected. Shocking to find that something as seemingly trivial as a broadband connection can cause such a tremendous impact in one's life - especially when one is as hopelessly addicted as a certain Dr Paul. However feeding my internet addiction at the nearby cafes is severely affecting my diminishing wallet - and also enabling my other addictions to caffeine and shopping. Detrimental to my mental and fiscal health, I'm sure.

Exhausted, drained and resigned after a week... just wanna lay back and sleep...
Happily though, the proximity of the wifi enabled cafes to certain large chain bookstores have led me to discover several new authors to while away my hours. One of which is Poppy Z. Brite. Odd name, I'm sure but her latest fiction on the crime-busting chefs extraodinaire reads like the perfect Creme Brulee. Light, sweet, frothy and yet surprisingly substantial with just the perfect bite. In between running an award-running restaurant based on liquor-drenched entrees in the Big Easy, G-man and Rickey spend their time balancing a committed relationship, their contrasting personalities and the various criminal elements that seem to gravitate invariably towards them. Gonna have to start the hunt for the rest of her books.
He's certainly not going to be pleased with the comparison but can I say that the bad-tempered, intense protagonist Rickey reminds me oddly enough of my ISO? Granted, I'm far from the laid-back G-man of course.
Last night was of course spent rushing about the hospital trying to keep my patients alive, shaking my head over some of the sillier antics of the students and intimidating junior doctors with my seemingly stern mien. Of course challenging work aside, I still managed to find the time to send naughty messages to my nearest cronies.
Several late night messages to Handsome Hui - as he was returning from his various money-making activities - confirmed the fact that he needs the extra dough not to outrun his zealous creditors with an urge to dismember his pretty limbs but to purchase various forms of entertainment. Still waters certainly run deep in my experience so what that actually means, I shudder to know. Entertainment in the form of chains, whips and melted candles on naked torsos perhaps?
And wonder of wonders, Big Bicep Barry has made his way home to Malaysia at last since I received a call late from him as he exited the gym. Perhaps worried that the hedonistic delicacies of Hong Kong have crept up his trim waist and disturbed the perfection of his abs, Barry found it imperative to worship the demanding God of Gymnasiums the very day he returned before resuming any semblance of daily activities. Even while battling a chesty cough that's clearly audible hundreds of miles away, the man still finds the energy to lift his sacred thousand pound weights. Don't know where he finds the singleminded dedication. Whether he returned successfully with a pair of ceramic lions remains to be seen.
kinky is always fun.
Thank you thank you thank you for re-enabling the full RSS feeds thingy. I never thought I could love your blog any more than I do, but my capacity is apparently limitless....
An RSS feed allows me to read your blog and many others from the comfort of a single program without having to manually visit each of your blogs. The difference between this and using bookmarks is that RSS can automatically tell me when a blog is updated. So I no longer have to click Refresh every 15 minutes to see if you posted something.
It's only been a week? You poor thing! It's no better in private, is it?
Broadband! It does make an impact in one's life! I can't live without my internet connection. It's so hard to be keeping up with your blog, especially when there's no internet connection!
By the way, all the best for your new workplace! Take it easy! ;-)
Oooh... glad to see you've finally found Poppy! I am such a big fan of her work though I must admit I've yet to read about G-man and Rickey. Looks like I'm in need of an update.
INHO, Poppy's work has always been anything but light, sweet and frothy. Unless it's frothing at the mouth you're talking about.
wah wat a tremendous ardous work bomb. I hope ur ok working there. u got us here to diffuse it anytime yar. just post and we will come in herds knocking. ermmm... did u have a door? kekeke. Cheers doc!
Uhmn yeah just one week onli wor... Guess there's more sick ppl there than other places.. Uhmnn evil urbanisation!
I have been having problems with my internet since last Wednesday. We fix it, but it's temporary. So I have been without. I hate it! Maybe it will be fixed for good this week...
Hmmm... Gropes and grapes... ;-p
I don't know about the rest of y'all, but Zemien's comment had my head spinning.. Note to self: must find dictionary or a brain would suffice to interpret basic concepts. Damn! I feel stupid! and all to a six year old! RSS? Geezuz, I just figured out what a blog is !!!!
Oh Paul, work real hard ... then mail me your paycheck. :D
oh, wait.. I'm not married to you.. DAMN! You're not into chicks! .. Double DAMN! Me thinks I need Batman for help.
While you're working, SOME of us have real lives and questions like WHY did I NOT get my suscription of People's magazine with Bradjolina's baby pictures? I need to know! It's been out on the newstands since Friday! I didn't get mine in the mail! These are life and death questions I need to know Dr. Paul! I need to know why my life seems to revolve around my mailbox.
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