Usually the surprisingly philosophical Big Bicep Barry prefers high-brow intellectual dramas but he allowed himself to be entertained by the common fare for once :) And it was certainly a rollicking good time watching Big Business Bitch ( hmm.. a new name for Bountiful Betty? ) and the Verminator chase down the little adorable creatures with weedwhackers and assorted torture instruments.
Not sure Barry thoroughly approved of the animals' frenetic obsession with potato chips and soft drinks though, which was certainly a far cry from his own ascetic diet. For me, I found it far more entertaining to watch Barry nibble squirrel-like on his staple diet of leaves and nuts.
Barry : What are you looking at?
Paul : Nothing.
Barry : You've been staring at my plate.
Paul : So?
Barry : You hungry? Want some?
Paul : For leaves? And dressing? Uhh... No.
Barry : Pathetic, huh.
Paul : If I waved some FKC in front of you, would you cry?
Barry : When I sleep, I dream of dancing fried chicken.
Watched Barry nibble a bit closer this time though. This past weekend I found myself drooling over the occasional gym-built hunk as I cruised the malls in Klang Valley ( is it really true that the Curve is full of gay men?! Since freaking when and why wasn't I told! ) and found myself with a sudden inexplicable urge to starve myself, live off calorieless berries and mineral water and hit the various gyms on a daily basis. Surely all the smooth-faced, slender hunks haunting the gyms must abase themselves before the awe-inspiring God of Diets to achieve the near zero-fat quotient that would allow their obliques and six-pack abs to appear in sharp relief.

Yum. My Lunch and dinner!
Seriously, how in the world do they find the strength to deny themselves of chocolate and fried chicken? Sure, I know the results are amazing - and drool-inducing in tank tops and shorts - but don't they find bland tasting protein drinks and lifting 100 pound weights while grunting unintelligible mutterings utterly boring? Somehow Barry's earnest reply that it makes him feel good ( imaginary hallucinations brought on by testosterone overload? ) sounds false somehow :)
Funny cute little movie, this Over The Hedge!
Gym-bunnies are like that... they'll never get enough of their bods... though it's nice to see and touch...
i like leaving my brains behind sometimes...when it comes to movies,...( actually i do it anyways hahahha.err..umm.)
my aerobics class leaves me feeling like i want to crawl to my doorstep, inspite of the elevator TAKING me there!!...but..the day after? i feel GREAT!!
I wish I can just not use my brain right now... I need something brainless~~~
*chanting 3 more papers, 3 more papers...
Ooops. That was me. :P
Completely off topic here but I noticed your geocities web page (you know the one with the stories we all love?) is no longer up? Any news? New locations, etc? Or am I just doing something wrong? Thanks
ha.ha..i had encounter at The Curve toilet once. It was fun. But managed to elude the guard at the very last minute.
n Paul. what the said about The Curve is absolutely true ;)
why the curve particularly, though? it's not THAT fascinating a place, really. maybe it's the proximity to the damansara area. hmm.
eh mabey Paul can write his cruising experience in Klang Valley in his next blog entry. dying to hear some cruising experience from Dr Paul.
Approximately 1.5km away from my house, there is a stadium where after dark, gay men wait for hot steamy action there. Tried once, where a hunk unbuttoned his leather shirt and showed off his 6 pack, waiting to be hooked. Didn't get to eat him up though. =(
erm...correct me if i'm wrong...but i remember reading that working out stimulates the release of endorphins...thus it can b addictive to some...
but i think it's all about the working out part per se...s in...people feel good to know they've achieved's one of those control issues...instead of controlling what they eat n ending up s anorexic...these ppl end up s buff studs...which i'm sure no one should b complaining really...
I first started out as a requirement to shed some weight due to old age! Then I managed to loose some kilos and heh - I look good and could fit into my old jeans! and then I wanted to loose more body fat and look like one of the models on Men's Health...and it has became a vicious cycle! Now my diet on the weekdays is limited to protein milk shakes, pine nuts, vegetables and lean meat... Sad eh??? and I'm still trying to achieve the ideal look. I curse at those who has good genes! :-) Cest la vie....
Endorphins. Easy to get hooked on and a wonderful high too. I got hooked when I was running. Hope to get back to it soon. But they are from aerobic workouts, not anaerobic. Weightlifting is anaerobic; is it not? Though, a good hard workout is still satisfying.
uhmnn I wonder why they have such determination,.. I can't resist good food in front of me so uhmnn i guess I can't be like them.. lean n toned n looks nice.. ahaha Ok i should really cut down on carbo n start my gymming session uhmnn..
I know. So damned cute, alex :)
I leave my brains home most of the time too, grafxgurl!
No worries, it'll be all over soon, man!
sara, it disappeared for a while but I'm searching for a new host.
Gasp. Ya skank, pakcik!
Not sure why either, idiot.
What cruising experience? I have done nothing, dave. You should ask the mre experienced bloggers around.
True enough, k, I am just fine appreciating the buff studs.
I envy your fortitude, ian :)
Wah, you like te endorphin rush too. sue?!
We'll work on it, ceusm.
when were u down here? how come i didn't know?
Do you think bird flu is going to be a problem ?
I heard it would hit USA & Canada this fall.
Is there anything to the bird flu panic ?
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