Big Big Explosions!
Let's face it, Tom Cruise certainly isn't going to win awards for drama anytime soon but his mask-like face seems to suit him in this movie as the enigmatic Ethan Hunt - apart from the nearly torturous scenes as he tries his best to convey his feelings to his amore, only to end up looking quite pitifully constipated instead. Still there's action aplenty over here - and if you like trailers and helicopters exploding with little victimized pedestrians being scattered like mindless ants, you'd love this.
Unsurprisingly Big Bicep Barry refused to join the posse in this impossible mission which left Handsome Hui, Shameless Shalom and the ever-enthusiastic Preity Posh to round up the team. Suggested to Big Bicep Barry that he might enjoy watching Tom Cruise flash his trademark million dollar grin before he blasts his way through an impossible array of bullets that miss him only by a hair's breadth but Barry declined, citing work commitments, rising fuel costs and a surprising yen for non-violence. Certainly explains why we haven't seen any action films together.
Admittedly kinda odd for any friend of mine since I'm quite well known in these parts for my bizarre ( near homicidal and possibly psychotic ) fantasies of viciously throttling anyone who gets in my way - and wishing ill karma on those who are too far away for my eager hands. Every once my dark side rears up again and I find myself dreaming up the most deliciously wicked schemes. Which might explain how I always end up rooting for the villains.
A few hot men abound, littering the screen, but none last long enough on the screen to outshine Tom of course. You'll have to watch to find out who exactly I rooted for but it's certainly not the prissy Capote whining over his rabbit's foot ( the impossibly evil Phillip Seymour Hoffman ). Please, I have good taste in men. Still, I should have known better than to trust the sleek, sexy types in suits. Sigh. Somehow the pretty ones always betray you in the end.
Then again, I wouldn't have shot him. I'd have tortured him slowly - perhaps played with him a little before the end. Revenge always tastes better when it's dragged on a little, don't you think?
As far as tortures goes... A slight slice here and there, hot irons, claws, etc. etc....
Made me shivers sometimes :)
i would rather la tortura tom cruise instead.
is barry a chick-flick kind of guy? is he? is he?
cats play with their prey before the kill.
i agree with musang, wud have tortured tom more than mr. hoffman (SUFF-RRRR u egotistical, manipulative, couch-jumping weirdo!!!). the whole movie made me dizzy, like watching a virtual ride only that my seat wasnt moving. i think i had vertigo because of it. should have expected it, typical of tom, most especially since hes been obviously DESPERATE for publicity lately.
You are starting to sound just a bit scary doctor... But I quite like it my dear doctor. Rawr! Kinda worried for your patients though. Lolz. :P
So was it worth watching? Been reading reviews everywhere and they say it's not worth the paper your ticket is printed on
May is movie infected month. ;) I am planning on a movie marathon!
ooh i cant wait to watch it!
although i never was attracted to Cruise...its still exciting!
eekk....Mission Impossible? U better watch "She's The Man". A beter choice of movie. N that hero is even hotter than Suri's father ;)
Dunno if I wanna waste my time on this one. As I recall the last one was rather... how do i put it? *Yawn*
Ooh, I knew you were kinky, pete :P
Not that keen on Cruise myself but I wouldn't mind doing la tortura on Alejandro Sanz. Yeah, oddly enough Barry is more a chick flick guy than me.
Quicksilver... meow.
designdoc, hoffman made me wanna push him off the plane too.
silentside. Well, it's like this. Patients are patients. Everyone else is prey.
Did I make it sound like the movie was worth a watch, jushie/ It's an action film. If you like car chases and explosions, then you'd like this.
cava.. me too!!
Same here, grafxgurl, but the guy I liked was Billy Crudup in a suit.
Saw She's the Man, pakcik. No plot but lots of abs. Which is good.
Don't bother watching this one either, aj :)
It's not really for that kind kinky purpose really...
I guess it's more incline toward sadist minus the sex
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