Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I'm aghast

I am aghast.

Came back this morning after another on-call - which started pretty well but became progressively worse actually. Without naming names, there was an idiot who did something stupid which took longer than he expected. See, I promised myself I wouldn't blare his name out in public but I needed to vent some wicked bile. I know it makes no sense.

Covered in the funk of a whole day's work, I usually manage to drag myself home and flop onto the couch for several minutes before making any attempts to freshen up - which actually means a mug of cereal, a quick shower and precious sleep. Occasionally like today, I even manage to check some e-mails before I zonk off for several hours of much-needed sleep.

A quick glance through my last post left me really stunned. Good God. Where did all that come from? I came across as such a desperately whiny, needy creature! So terribly Bridget Jones of me! God, I should really deal myself a few slaps to wake me up from this holiday funk. Guess you guys wouldn't know this but I actually despise weakness - especially in myself.

Hell. I need a drink. :)


MrBunnyBan said...

You despise weakness? Isn't that a little harsh?

One of the major points of a relationship is to support each other during the rough times. Apart from sex of course, but hey, that goes without saying. :p Aaaanyway, we're human Paul. Save denial, we can't always be strong no matter how macho we'd like our selves to believe.

savante said...

It is harsh, Daniel. But I only despise it in myself so... :)


Anonymous said...

there is something lovable in ppl who show weakness. heck, i wudnt mind being the one taken cared of once in a while. staying strong all the time can be deadly fatiguing!

Legolas said...

I'm full of weaknesses, basically a weak person, especially when dealing with emotions.

Anonymous said...

I think you definitely need to hire a maid to get yourself a great moment at home. Is there any opening??? I am almost done with my CV. :-)

Drink moderately and sweet dreams! Thank you for making our world healthier. :-)

Anonymous said...

venting is therapeutic, not weak.

Anonymous said...

Oooh... I like a man with just a little bit of weakness. Gotta have something to exploit! ;)

Mark said...

"How Brigette Jones" of you.

well darling, it was bound to happen ;-D

Joel said...

We all deserve a small digress at times. We knew it was not the "strong you" that you REALLY are! ;)

Jay said...

Why on earth is it weak to feel lonely? And if you can't talk about it here, where can you? At work with those well-meaning but clueless aunties you work with?

Don't worry hun, prime piece of doctor meat like you won't stay single for long. When it does happen, I expect a full write up - right here.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, your previous post didn't strike me as weak and whiny at all. More like candid self-analysis, balancing romance against practicality, which takes some guts ... not everyone has the courage to go there.

Whereas venting bile and reaching for the drink can lead to long-term character flaws if you don't watch out. So go figure. :oD

Musang said...

This comment is nothing related to this post of yours, though i find there's nothing wrong to be a desperately whiny, needy creature.

The pole incident that Holden quote... is not that 'pole' you know. it is the normal one.

Yes... it's nothing sexual but it was one big embarrassment.

savante said...

designdoctor, I am lovable! Thanks! :) Come over here and I'll take care of you.

leggy, when it comes to emotions, all of us are weak puppies unfortunately.

Might make it sound like I'm an alcoholic but i actually don't drink at all, shigeki :)

Brian, I shall do more therapeutic venting!

weeshiong, I'm ready to be exploited.

Darien, it was really Bridget Jones pathetic :) Luckily I don't have her thighs.

Scotty, I do try to be the strong guy.

You are so right, Jay. I shouldn't be ashamed. :)

ru, you lovely man.. Yeah, it was a candid self-analysis.. that made it all sound better!

well, musang, that is a disappointment!

Lost, I will.


AJ said...

Ohhh You Drama Queen You! Only a drama queen can rant about things that bother him & then rant about how guilty he feels about ranting in the first place.

Don't worry hon, you arent the only drama queen about...


savante said...

Aj, you're right! I am a freaking drama queen :)
