Life in the gay rehab camp!
Lots of palm to the head moments, I'm sure.
Since the GLBT event Seksualiti Merdeka has turned homosexuality into the latest scapegoat for our headline-hungry honchos, it didn't take too long before one of them came up with a foolish plan for a gay rehabilitation centre.
The government needs to create a “homosexual rehabilitation centre” to combat the phenomenon in Malaysia, according to Barisan Nasional MP who today claimed 30 per cent of Malaysian men were gay.
Obviously unsatisfied with bullying vulnerable schoolchildren into some dubious moral reformatory camp, now the lawmakers have decided to rope in the adults as well. Into a homosexual rehabilitation centre with terrifying shades of the Nazi's concentration camps.
Almost impossible for me to even say a word without pitching a fit so let me paraphrase from one of the brilliant comments I read from the article.
Brilliant plan. You see, you take all the gay men and put them in a camp. We get them to live together in enclosed quarters where they have to sleep together and bathe together. They must undergo rigorous, sweaty activities in pressed uniforms and learn useful, masculine life skills like pitching tents.
That'll knock the gay right out of them!
Dripping with sarcasm much?
But I have to admit the comments on the various news media actually gives me hope. Judging from the dozens of encouraging comments on the matter above, quite a lot of Malaysians - at least those who bother going online to read the news - are surprisingly liberal. The rest would rather care about more pressing matters like corruption in our government than someone else's burgeoning sexuality. Certainly not a perfect representation of the general public ...but isn't it nice to know?
So they tried to make us go to rehab but we said no ... no... no...
And honestly, 3 out of 10 men are gay?
Wherever did they manage to find such misleading statistics? Much as I would love for it to be true, it's seriously not. With such numbers, that would probably make Malaysia the gay mecca of the world. If the figures were actually that high, that would represent quite a significant percentage of the population eligible to vote! Add in the lesbians and that's quite enough of a power bloc to knock the ruling party of their lofty perch if need be.
Guess the Gay Action Party doesn't sound too bad right now.
Haha... Who need grindr to get to know fellow gay when the they are setting up a camp for gays...And if 30% of men are gay... They will need one hell of a big camp.... Hmmm our population is 25 mil, so that translate into bout 3mil+ ... Not including lesbians yet...Guess this will be another mega billion project for some cronies... If we are lucky the camp may just up into one of the biggest mardi gras around.... Hehehe....another 1malaysia boleh project brought to u by BN
Seriously when I saw that 3 out of 10 men were gay thing? I was like, these fellas don't have their facts right. Exposure to HIV, drugs and prostitution is totally a sweeping statement too! seriously, who are the ones getting all these crap anyway? STRAIGHTS! I am sure people from the LG community at least will have lesser contact with these, well a huge portion of them!
I like the fact that people are talking about LGBT issues now. "They" even start using the acronym LGBT, which is sweet. We're going to get same-sex marriage in, like, 40 years.
By the way have you (guys) seen this speech by Ban Ki-Moon yet?
Maybe they could place the gay camp on an island resort somewhere. How cool would that be, wanderer!
They haven't thought about the fact that their study would also mean 30 percent of the parliament would be gay, tempus. :)
Yes, and people online are starting to be just a bit more tolerant, delusion.
Waw. And you're right, the Malaysian government has other matters to think about. Being gay is not a disease.
Just one question: Where to sign up? LOL...
Wow your put that into the perspective. I really wished there's that many of us to kick the jokers out of Putrajaya. But then I think such rehab camp will eventually become gay sex camp. Tsk tsk tsk.
I hope the members of this camp actively participates in gang rap... errm nvm.
three out of ten? wait, let me pack my bags...
i did a double somersault when i saw this bit in the news. and there was this woman in tight headscarf arguing for the setting up of a rehab. unwatchable!
I wonder what they will call the rehab centre - Camp Rainbow? (No, I doubt they have a sense of humour either.)
Gosh, I'm speechless.
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