Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The David Beckham Syndrome

You know the type.

That gorgeous hunk of male perfection - handsome, wealthy, intelligent - impossibly blessed in almost everything. Well, at least till Mr Perfect opens his mouth. Just when you're imagining suburban bungalows, golden retrievers and platinum rings, he speaks. Then everything comes to a painful ball-crushing halt. All the naughty wet dreams you imagined fizzles into thin air at the sound of his ...teeny reed-like voice.

Yes, that's what you call the David Beckham Syndrome. Oh so pretty to look at - but oh so highly annoying to be close to.

Heh heh heh!

As it turns out, the new doctor Marty McFly falls squarely into that particular category. Quite amazingly adorable but with one horrid flaw. Not that he squeaks in a high-pitched squeal only canines can hear - the boy actually speaks in a lovely mellifluous tenor. That isn't the problem here.

The problem is Marty's young. Seriously young with all the giggles, pouts and head shakes associated with extreme youth. Sure he appears perfectly professional at work in his suit and tie, almost carries off the competent doctor look.

But when Marty's out and about in town - or out for dinner with me, he giggles. Persistently.

Paul : So how are you liking the city? New place eh?
Marty : Well it's okay I guess. Heh heh heh.
Paul : Have you picked a specialty yet?
Marty : Don't know leh. See how lo. Heh heh heh.

Thought I was talking to Beavis & Butthead for a sec. So much so that I thought of bopping him with a rubber hammer. Certainly not the usual mature behaviour for a self-possessed physician. Hard to believe he's gonna be out there saving lives!

Then again, maybe I should just gag the fellow. After all he's still plenty cute enough to look at.


Celestine said...

Gag with what? ;)


Mr.D said...

ooo give me a sweet giggling cutie and i will nv get bored!

MrBunnyBan said...

SO not meant for you, lol!

Phunk Factor said...

Nice work...i'm a follower! :)

William said...

Bend over. Hehehehe.

Little Dove said...

Maybe he's having a case of shy awkward giggles. Happens to most people when they are in the companny of people they have crush on. ;p

Bradley Hyunckel said...

that giggle in word seduced me... heh heh heh

perhaps u can record his giggle video and play it over and over again

savante said...

Oh I can think of all sorts of things, celestine. Why don't you come help me :)

Probably for a quick one night stand but for more than that? You'd probably hustle him out for breakfast as well, D!

So definitely not, ban!

Thanks, phunk factor!

True. I thought of that. Will give him another chance, dove. Though I doubt it's from a case of a crush.

Go youtube the vid of the UK TV presenter. He giggles, bradley - but that's in a cute way :)