Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Borgia Strikes Back

I should have known that the recent peaceful lull wouldn't last for long.

Madame Borgia always has something up her sleeve after all.

Certainly struck me as highly suspicious when Charming Calvin's mother accepted his controversial decision to remain semi-permanently in the Sin City with perfect equanimity. Even the fact that he'd spirited away his financial documents from right under her watchful eye failed to raise a maternal eyebrow. I would have expected tears of recrimination for the former - and possibly a full wailing bout of hysteria at the latter.

Uncharacteristically Madame Borgia remained silent.

I sense a disturbance in the force!

Falsely assumed that all was right in her happy suburban Pleasantville - even with a gay son cohabitating with shameless licentiousness in the big bad city. Charming Calvin even hoped optimistically that she'd taken the first steps towards being a PFLAG mom!

Yet my suspicions were proven correct when Madame Borgia called Calvin up one morning with a surprising inquiry.

Madame : Are you still gay?
Calvin : Uhh.. Yes?
Madame : It's time your turned your back on such licentiousness!
Calvin : W-what?
Madame : How can you live in such a wicked den of iniquity! Think of your poor papa! His weak heart! How could you!
Calvin : W-what?

Playing the guilt card of course.

Though such a veritable tsunami of tearful accusations would only piss me off, it obviously worked on our tender-hearted Charming Calvin. Poor fellow was put though an emotional wringer as our sly Madame Borgia used every visceral weapon at her disposal, from ailing fathers to a scarcity of communication on his part. Though we had both hoped that time would help increase her tolerance for his irregular ways, that obviously hasn't happened. Seems her homophobic stand hasn't wavered in the least.

Seriously doubt even a blow to the head would help change her mind.

Especially when she's busy dredging up his father's medical condition. Don't think Calvin would be comforted by the fact that heart ailments don't exactly stem from emotional upheavals.

A pity though. At best I think Calvin can only accept a hate the sin, love the sinner stance from his unforgiving mother. Anything more than begrudging tolerance would be nothing short of a miracle.

Guess I can stop counting on her coming as a guest at our engagement.


Antinous said...

Gosh, why some mothers are so adept at playing the guilty card game, sigh. hope Calvin stays strong and have faith!

stargal said...

gosh, lady borgia is just like my ex's dad! always playing the guilt card, even on small petty matters! and the most exasperating part is, ex and his brothers are ALWAYS falling for it! beh-tahan... thank god it's all in the past! *rolls eyes*

Kenny Mah said...

The Guilt Card. If it were a Tarot card, the other cards would have withered in its glare. :P

William said...

She would come to create a scene.

Janvier said...

Would guilt trip be forgotten the moment Charming Calvin hangs up?


so wat r u gonna do then?

quicksilverlining said...

invite her anyway. i always make it a point to aggravate anyone worthy of aggravation. you, of all people, would understand the joy of it.

nyeh, guilt only works on those with the weakness of a conscience.

Mr.D said...

hugs. don't hate her, not all parents are usually that supportive for gays.

MrBunnyBan said...

walao, guilt card!

Little Dove said...

Mothers posses a kind of wisdom that baffles even the smartest sons.