Curious Chastity certainly pointed that out. You see, I had her as my guest over at my place this weekend. Seems my fledgling bed-and-breakfast over here has gained some repute! Seeing how she seems the outdoorsy sort to hike up mountains such as Mulu, somehow the topic of school campfires came about.
Chastity : Oh my school never had campfires for the girl guides.
Paul : But why! Scared they'll set fire to the school?
Chastity : Hardly. It would encourage inappropriate mixing of boys and girls.
Paul : Eh? At 17?
Chastity : It could lead to wanton behaviour, illicit affairs and teenage pregnancy.
Paul : It's just a little campfire!
Chastity : Far too early at 17!
Alright, I've come to expect such antiquated notions from turbaned mullahs and overzealous pastors. After all, religious orthodoxy would always insist all vulnerable females be cloistered from the covetous eyes of lecherous men. Even better be sheltered in inaccessible convents till the wedding day.
No doubt decided by the wiser elders.

What you looking at?
But when it comes from a modern, self-proclaimed atheistic girl in denim shorts and slippers, I was somewhat taken aback. Obviously I had no choice but to needle her with talk of sex education and contraception.
Which obviously Chastity flatly said no to.
Look, I'm not saying that I'd condone teenage pregnancy. Nor would I like my child to be initiated into a sexual relationship before they're ready. But I certainly wouldn't want him/her to be caught unprepared either. With the tools I've given, I hope they can make the right decision.
Denying them the right to congregate in mixed company doesn't seem to be the answer. Where do you stop? Where do we draw the line? Do we finally satisfy our worries by locking up all virginal maidens in a guarded harem?
Knowledge is the best defense & protection, I say. :)
you forgot to mention the distinction between those from chinese co-ed schools and single-sex missionary schools... :P
sex is sex. it's really only the stupid and uninformed kids that get into trouble after, anyway.
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